Most of us can recall teachers who made a positive difference in our lives. Public education, along with family, are the foundations of our personal success, and of our American democracy.
Arizona ranks at, or near, the bottom of the 50 states in per-pupil funding for public education. The voters have told our legislators to invest more in public education. But they have not. As a result, every one of our neighboring school districts have provided added local financial support, and all of them offer teacher salaries thousands of dollars a year more than salaries in the Cave Creek schools.
Most Cave Creek teachers live in a nearby district, not the Cave Creek school district. In spite of their dedication to our children, can we expect our teachers to pass up five thousand dollars a year, and a job closer to home, to work in the Cave Creek district? The override in this election will make teacher salaries in Cave Creek more competitive with surrounding districts.
None of the override will go to administrative salaries.
I urge you to vote yes on the Cave Creek schools override.
Thomas McGuire
Cave Creek Voter