Save the land

Neighbors, development of Carefree’s remaining open space does not have to be inevitable if we act now! We need your help to save these 48 acres bordered by Cave Creek Road, Stage Coach Pass and Mule Train Road.
In the Town of Carefree’s General Plan 2030, a beautiful big piece of land was identified as “one of the higher priorities for purchase by the Town to preserve it for open space.”

Yet in July, Carefree’s last remaining large parcel of natural desert open space was to be auctioned off by the Arizona State Land Department at the request of developers. The auction was postponed until September 13th, so we have a very small window of opportunity to come together to save this beautiful land before it’s too late.

Based on what was said at the postponed auction, the developers seem to be concerned about water for the land, which is currently zoned rural residential. It appears they would like to change the zoning to accommodate higher density housing and therefore need additional water allocation. This in a time of severe drought and record water shortages.
The Arizona State Land Department is in the business of selling state-owned land to raise money. If an entity wants to acquire state land, they contact State Land, who sets up the auction. The land is sold to the highest bidder.

So, who initiated the auction? Tellus Carefree LLC is the applicant working to acquire this state land. There are three names are associated with the company: Thomas J. McDonald – Real Estate Lawyer with Gammage & Burnham , Jeff Malk – CRM Property Development and Edward B. Brichta, who is associated with “X-Co”, a Chicago developer whose website describes their luxury style high rise apartments and tout “the unconventional social club for the constantly curious.”

What can we do to save the land?
1) PURCHASE THE LAND OURSELVES • We can raise funds to purchase the land ourselves (est. $6m – $7m) and designate it as permanent Open Space Park to be enjoyed by hikers, bike riders, dog walkers, and nature lovers.
2) FORM A ROBUST AND VOCIFEROUS ALLIANCE TO OPPOSE ZONING CHANGES • If the developer does acquire the land, we can use our alliance to oppose any zoning changes. Attend Planning & Zoning meetings, and gather enough to bring a referendum to the ballot for all residents to vote on.
3) AMEND THE GENERAL PLAN • We can ensure that the Carefree Town Council and Mayor revise our lapsed General Plan to include significantly more protection of desert rural land.
4) SPREAD THE WORD AND BE ACTIVE! • We can inform our friends/neighbors, attend Town Council and Planning & Zoning meetings! Use social media, blogs, newsletters, local newspapers, HOAs, to spread this information virally!
Friends, this beautiful piece of Sonoran Desert, located in Carefree, is worth saving. Let’s not let it fall into urban sprawl. This is a “quality of life” issue for Carefree residents. Having desert land in town with trails we can hike or bike on, or walk our dogs, is a treasure. The views are beautiful, and it provides natural habitat for desert wildlife. This land is pristine Sonoran Desertand is absolutely worth saving! Let’s come together before it’s too late!

Please email [email protected] for more information or if you’d like to join the alliance to save the land.

Wendy Mattes