Setting record straight

Running for Town Council is a sacred responsibility that must be based in truth. Anna Marsolo is running for Town Council, and one of her most ardent supporters, Terry Webb, wrote a Letter to the Editor in the June 15, 2022 issue of this periodical insinuating that Anna was primarily responsible for stopping Bob Kite’s Application to Amend our General Plan to allow for approximately 18 acres in the Town of Cave Creek to be reclassified from DR-89 to Commercial Buffer. I feel the need to correct the misconception that Anna Marsolo was the impetus or driving force behind stopping Bob Kite’s Application to Amend our General Plan.

Contrary to how Terry Webb painted Anna’s contribution, the primary catalyst for stopping Mr. Kite was the Vice-Chairman of our Planning Commission, Steven Brechner (he was not on the Planning Commission back then). When Mr. Brechner was made aware of Mr. Kite’s Applications, he immediately went into action. Although we were still at the height of Covid shutdowns, he started a grass roots campaign in opposition. He spent many hours doing research, wrote two separate Oppositions and Supplements to Bob Kite’s Rezoning Request and his Application to Amend the General

Plan, individually communicated with hundreds of residents via Facebook/phone/email/
in-person, spoke at the neighborhood meeting, and conducted interviews with journalists. With the help of many residents, nearly 400 signatures were gathered to join in his opposition to the General Plan Amendment. I know this firsthand as I spoke with Steve regularly and worked tirelessly alongside him to help achieve the right outcome for our town. What was especially creative was Steve’s utilization of recent technology as a way to get digital signatures to make it easier, quicker and safer for people to sign. Amazingly, Steve received hundreds of signatures to his opposition in just a few days’ time. That is something that has never been done in our town before. His actions really galvanized our Town and as a fellow resident, it felt good in my soul.

I want to be clear; Anna was helpful. She provided suggested edits to Steve’s original opposition to Bob Kite’s rezoning request (which Mr. Kite later withdrew) and helped gather a couple dozen resident signatures joining his oppositions. Providing suggested edits to his opposition to Mr. Kite’s rezoning request is not writing the document; it is editing some else’s writing/work. Steve was grateful for everyone’s support, including Anna’s. Having said that, to try to convey the impression that Anna was the driving force behind the opposition to Mr. Kite is repugnant and is abhorrent to everyone that came together in the fight. While I know Steve doesn’t care who gets credit since the Town was the winner, I feel it is important to try to set the record straight.

And to be transparent, I elicited Steve’s assistance for this letter.

Star Thornton