For the benefit of the residents of Carefree, and especially those who will vote in our upcoming election, I would like to set the record straight on a number of points. I feel this is necessary because a certain individual – who insists on hiding behind anonymity – has made several false statements in a recent letter to this publication. We all know that secrecy and anonymity are the enemies of truth and openness.
I have been upfront and very public about my views on the “four-story Hampton Inn” that now dominates our Town center. To be clear, this monstrosity epitomizes stripping the uniqueness away from our Town. Our current Town government, which includes John Crane, voted in favor of the project. This vote by the council did not take into consideration or recognize and preserve what is beautiful and unique about our Town: the beautiful desert, the dark and quiet night skies, and our quaint Town center.
Almost all of us fell in love with Carefree because of its unique beauty. Carefree became my home because I love and appreciate what makes it special, and I want my children to grow up knowing and appreciating that a place like Carefree can exist as part of one of the largest metropolitan areas in our country. I have attended numerous Council meetings, in person and by Zoom, and I have made my thoughts and views public. There are no prerequisites to running for mayor other than a love for this Town and the strong desire to protect it and its citizens. I will continue to do so, on a full time basis, if elected as mayor. My work generally does not require that I leave the area, and I have not left Arizona for any reason during the last two years.
I am running for mayor to represent and serve the residents of our town, many of whom are disillusioned – or even disgusted – with the representation that they have been receiving. I am not “aligned” with any group, special interest or slate.
As mayor, I will listen to the residents of our town in order to better represent and serve them. My opponent sued the Town of Carefree to overturn the clear will of Town residents regarding term limits – expressed twice, with an almost 70% vote – in order to keep himself in office.
If for any reason I were unwilling, unable, or unavailable to serve the residents of Carefree, I would not be running in this election. I am running for mayor because I love this town and I want our residents to continue to love this town for its uniqueness, and beauty, for decades to come. An open and frank discussion of the issues that will shape our Town’s future is much more important and effective than an anonymous smear campaign that relies on erroneous statements and outright fabrications.
Peter Sample
Mayoral candidate, Carefree