Prop 472 not protecting open space

Proposition 472 is a ballot measure to be voted on in the August 2nd election. Prop 472 is not primarily focused on protection of all remaining open space, as most of its language will apply only to removal of the underground water tank being installed in a utility easement along Tom Darlington Dr. Prop 472 is being put forth by a small portion of Boulders residents who are unhappy with the underground water tank.

Carefree has been engaged in costly litigation with the unhappy Boulders residents. To date, they have lost all lawsuits and appeals, Prop 472 represents another effort to have the water tank removed.

The location of the water tank was identified by the Town’s consulting engineering firm as the most efficient and effective location. The area to be served by the water tank is the southwest section of Carefree.The water tank is an integral part of the Carefree water system that brings all Carefree residents into the town water system.

Since Prop 472 is retroactive to 2021, if it were to pass, the water tank would have to be removed and a new location identified. Though we can’t predict the exact cost in the current environment, it has been estimated that this would cost approximately $10-12* million dollars.

Prop 472 represents bad governance and is a last-ditch effort to remove the water tank. We can’t let that happen. All Carefree residents need safe and secure water. The courts have made clear, we are within our legal rights to have our water tank in the current location, and we need it to stay there.


*this is an updated value as of June 2

Sheila Amoroso