To my friends and neighbors throughout Carefree, I’m writing to you with a request as we come closer to the August 2nd election for candidates and propositions.
There has been a substantial amount of factually inaccurate information spread through various avenues of local communication including local press.
Please take the time to educate yourself before deciding on a candidate or deciding on the propositions. Seek out the candidates and ask them to explain their positions. They’ll welcome your concern and hard questions if they truly care for the good of Carefree.
We ask a lot of these volunteer candidates and are fortunate to have some very good ones but it’s up to each of us to decide who meets our needs.
Seek out both sides of the propositions. Read the facts of Carefree Unity regarding the water tank storage tank adjacent to the Boulders. The website designed specifically to clarify and correct the misinformation spread by their own HOA leadership team! Carefree is experiencing issues that require all of us to make informed decisions when we vote. The financial risks are obscene if we simply check a box because of an enticing title. Read the content and understand it!
If you agree; a strong vote is an educated vote. Won’t you please share with your friends and neighbors as well?
Thanks for taking the time to consider my request.
Jim Northcutt
Crossings II resident