In the May 18 edition of Sonoran News and elsewhere, Cheryl suggested that anyone with better ideas how to handle certain Carefree Controversies should speak up. Okay, Cheryl let’s take this idea for a test ride. There are approximately 80% of us who should not have pay for the $32,000,000 water project, imposed on us by the mayor, without a vote. And there are approximately 20% who don’t need water but want Carefree water. There is a multi-purpose and equitable solution. It routinely stares us in the face!
Using the CAWCD as an example (they pay back the Federal government for the cost of building the CAP water system), let us consider establishing the Carefree Water Sharing District (CFWSD). Implement a special water sharing district tax of $2,000 per year on the 526 beneficiary properties for planning, building, and then distribution of water from the system they wanted, lobbied, and organized to obtain. The tax would generate Income of $1,052,000 per year. The tax could be higher to offset the legal costs the town incurred, if the administration desires.
Aside from essentially paying off the $32,000,000 debt ($1,052,000 x 30 years = $31,560,000), and yes, Sheila, I said that word ‘debt’ again, the annual contribution to the General Fund from that tax can be used by the town to supplement payments for ‘premium level’ Automatic Aid Fire Protect Service for ALL Carefree Residents, and even the Hampton Inn. Priceless!
John Traynor