In Carefree these days, Town “progress” can be measured several ways. An unsightly Hampton Inn, designed for mass tourism, at the heart of downtown. Commercial development slated to consume every remaining bit of open desert space. Our Town government being laser-focused on “economic development” and attracting developers. The government seizure of private land and forced industrialization of open desert space. And Town Hall deciding what is best for Carefree residents, never bothering to ask us.
Deception has been instrumental to this “progress” in Carefree. The Town claimed that western residents on Cave Creek water suffered from poor water quality, requiring it to “consolidate” water service. But the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality has never received a single complaint from a Carefree resident. ADEQ also insists that Cave Creek water is perfectly fine and has told Carefree to cease claiming otherwise.
The Town has told western Carefree residents (and Arizona courts) that a costly new water tank must be built to extend water service to the West. But it told its creditors that it could serve the area even without a new tank. It also admits that no study has ever concluded that a new tank is necessary. The Town even says that it plans to resume purchasing water treated by Cave Creek.
Town officials amended the General Plan to permit dense development at the corner of Tom Darlington and Carefree Highway – over 150 transient rooms. It used a procedure that eliminated any need to put this to the voters, despite the mayor previously saying that residents would have a vote on any such change.
Town officials in private emails with the property owner and a potential developer have discussed how to increase the water available for the development of this corner. Unsurprisingly, the plan involves new water lines from Tom Darlington and Carefree Highway, directly downstream from the proposed tank. Could this be the real motivation for building a new tank?
The Town today faces an immediate fiscal crisis – the chronic underfunding of our essential fire protection and public safety. The City of Scottsdale just terminated its “mutual aid” agreement with Carefree. We now are on our own, in an increasingly wildfire-prone environment.
The cost of joining surrounding communities in “automatic aid” will run into the millions, and is probably unsupportable without a property tax. Town officials insist that increased development and sales tax revenues are the way forward. But unbridled expansion, unnecessary infrastructure development, and reliance on uncertain revenues already has landed us in the current predicament.
Tell Town officials your thoughts about rampant development and spending. Tell them that you want them to listen to ALL the voters, not just a noisy few. Tell them why you chose to live here: the beauty of our special desert, its peace and tranquility, and its night skies lit only by the stars and the moon. Tell them you do not want the government waste, increased traffic, noise, litter, and inevitable crime that comes with unchecked development.
In August you will be able to vote to prohibit the abuse of eminent domain to seize preserved open desert space and private property for the benefit of developers. Remember to VOTE and to SAVE OUR DESERT!!
Maureen “Mo” Benedetto
Chair, Carefree Citizens for Responsible Government