These are personal views, some shared by many in the District. As the Bond Special Election approaches, there is no prior scheduled public meeting. Many parents, including the 100 strong who appeared for the last meeting, were mortified that you moved forward, almost surreptitiously with a vote on masking OUR children with little notice and one solicitation of parental input.That poll result was a supermajority of parents AGAINST a masking mandate. A masking mandate should never have been considered to begin with; the poll should have been the end of it. Yet you persisted,with a quick trigger vote. Your anti-science based Progressive appeasing authoritarian masking of our kids last year did great damage to our kids and community. That was against the will of the parents and science. Yet you tried again.This Board has breached our trust.
That brings us to the Bond Election. You are amazingly tone deaf. Biden and big tech corporatist socialist authoritarians are destroying our civil liberties. We are mired in debt, crime, we’re borderless. Even as these events pile up, the Progressives seek a $6 Trillion tax and spend that will crush America. Now you want to raise our local taxes for $40,000,000 to pay for capital improvements. But with sleight of hand, the recurring revenues of the District could then be free for further abuse of our trust.
Under the otherwise excellent retired Superintendent, there was continuing appeasement of Progressives in an effort to keep them at bay. Superintendent Community Council and Board of Supervisors meetings never acknowledged the rising Progressive pressures in this District. Red for Ed hijacked an already negotiated 20% pay raises for teachers. You then enabled an activist teacher walk out on already negotiated raises that put working parents in an immediate bind for child care. On top of this hardship, the school year was extended with no notice, to ensure District workers their lost pay, disrupting flights and vacation plans of hundreds of families. Notice the theme, the parents and kids come last.
How do we trust you with $40M and the rest of your revenues available for Progressive projects? There are many instances of the Progressive drift of the District to appease Leftist pressure. The heavy handed mask mandate serves as metaphor, shut up and take it. No more. And some of you misrepresented yourselves to get elected. Parents deserve to know your intentions.
Instead of a series of last minute, back door panic deals to appease the Left, lets just get all the Progressive demands out on the table before this Bond Election. Tell us where you stand. No more word salads. I am requesting a declaration of policy, a commitment to traditional values, with primary emphasis on core knowledge in grammar, math, history, science, greek and latin roots, civics; and for our schools to stay out of the Progressive indoctrination game. You’ve hired a promising new Superintendent, give him a clean slate. A 10 point Resolution rejecting Progressivism follows.
Exhibit: Resolution for CCUSD93 Board of Supervisors
To wit, we declare:
“CCUSD93 hereby Resolves:
1.No Sex Education, no “common core sex ed”, no pornography, no gay, homosexual, lesbian, transsexual or similar iterations of sex education shall be taught. No clubs, organizations or informal sessions shall be allowed around these concepts or those proscribed below. All persons must be addressed by their names or biological sex pronouns. Basic teaching of anatomy and human biology is approved. Each person must use the lockeroom and bathroom of their biological sex;
2. No Critical Race Theory may be taught. No 1619 Project may be taught. No “equity” programs, or reverse racism shall be taught or allowed. No lessons or materials may be taught nor used that condemn America’s Founding as racist, that condemn or accuse Caucasians or any Race or ethnic group as racist, or as inferior or superior based on the color of their skin, their ethnicity or ancestry.
3. No Denigration of Religion. There shall be no infringement of the freedom of religion, this does not endorse “freedom from religion”;
4. No Restriction or chilling of Protected Speech under the 1st Amendment except as is necessary to conduct a class or school with proper respectful decorum consistent with this Resolution and the US Constitution;
5. No Teacher or Administrator shall condemn or denigrate the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, as amended, or this Resolution;
6. No Global Warming or Climate Change courses or propaganda shall be permitted. (Through innovation and technology, the US is the least polluting country in the world, by a wide margin, and without the absurd Paris Accord which seeks to transfer American sovereignty and wealth while others pollute. Advanced techniques for utilizing fossil fuels is the backbone of the world economy, and has lifted billions of people from poverty. The world is not going to end in 8 years, these hysteria has been heard since the 1950s). Conservation, Nature and Climate are appropriate subjects;
7. Teaching of American History shall be based on the Hillsdale 1776 Curriculum currently available for download for free by all;
8. No Tolerance for sub rosa teaching, propaganda or indoctrination by individual teachers or organizations of the proscribed subjects as detailed above;
9. No Mandates for medical or health of any kind by this Board, except the District shall observe measures legally mandated by the AZ Legislature or Emergency Orders of the Governor;
10. No District funds shall be used for any training, materials or otherwise in support of these proscribed matters. No book or material shall be permitted to be sold or offered on school premises or websites or claiming affiliation with the District by any person or entity related to proscribed matters.”
When this resolution in full is approved by the Board, I’ll then consider your Bond Election.
Patrick Hoog, Esq.
CCUSD93 Parent, 6 year Member of Superintendent’s Community Council