It was a relatively quiet night at the regular Monday night, July 19 meeting of the Cave Creek Town Council.
Continuing business and a Quarterly Utility Report/presentation completed the night’s agenda.
- Approved Resolution No. R2021-14, appointing the Town of Cave Creek Town Manager Carrie Dyrek as Chief Financial Officer of the Town for purpose of submitting the Annual Expenditure Limitation Report to the Arizona Auditor General’s Office for the Fiscal Year 2022.
- Approved Resolution No. R2021-16, a Resolution of the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Cave Creek, Arizona, authorizing the Town Manager to execute an Agreement and implementing documentation binding the Town to pay costs associated with an allocation of 386 acre-feet per year of Non-Indian Agricultural (NIA) Central Arizona Project water
- Approved reimbursement of excess City of Phoenix Water Development Fees to Cave Creek/Olson DG, LLC for APN 211-46-340A (Dutch Bros Coffee), Commercial Development as indicated in Section 4. Fees of the IGA with City of Phoenix approved on November 28, 2018
- Approved Resolution No. R2021-15, A Resolution of the Town of Cave Creek, Arizona, Authorizing the execution and delivery of an Agreement and a Trust Agreement; approving the sale, execution, and delivery of excise tax revenue refunding obligations, Series 2021B, evidencing a proportionate interest of the owners thereof in an Agreement between the Town of Cave Creek, Arizona and a Trustee; and authorizing and ratifying the taking of all other actions necessary to the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Resolution.