First, I have always dealt successfully on Hard facts in all my writing. That’s how I prevailed in preserving Spur Cross.
You have all observed, as smart Cave Creek Residents, that on the final turn of any election, politicians are sometimes less than fully honest. I have recently exposed True facts and Town secrets which the current 7 council members, re-running for two more years of overspending and personal agendas, hope to hide or ignore. But, what I have reported is true, factual and is documented.
Mayor Ernie Bunch posted on his site in his own words, he wanted his own secret police to rat on town bars that served a beer in opposition to his Royal Order.
Ernie Bunch is a contradiction: He voted For the General Plan 4/2/18, then a month later campaigned against it. On 7/22/19, he told the IGA crowd, “Lets get this done!” Then on 8/19/19, voted against it. Now, he is for it again. Even worse, for the last 4 years, he does everything to limit citizen participation in our own town government. Awful!
Now, Ernie sends out doubly paid Carrie Dyrek (salaries/benefits from BOTH Town Manager and Town Clerk positions), to speak to us. Mrs. Dyrek IS in Fact slotted to receive an increase to $220k per year, no matter how Nancy P. Dyrek spins it. Get a load of this, Mrs. Dyrek also gets paid for the Town Clerk Position and its benefits. What? She’s been training the “New Town Clerk” for years and she still holds the position? How can she morally hold two 40 hour per week positions and receive two salaries? Pensions/benefits? Further, the Town Marshall, likewise is scheduled to go up to $170k base salary per year PLUS Town provides: automobile, fuel and maintenance, retirement, medical, dental, vision, disability, and of all things Life insurance! Also, a golden parachute of 6 months salary severance. Even Councilman Morris sparred with John Hoeppner, insisting $170k is warranted. So, it’s True!! They just didn’t want it publicly known, especially right before an election, that these huge salaries are being Approved! Remember George H. W., “Watch My lips, No new taxes.” Shortly thereafter, he signed into law massive new income tax increases!
Do like Carefree, and show us the check register at every Council meeting. It is and should ALL be Public Information. Ernie Bunch says there is $20 million in the bank; lets see the bank statement just like Carefree.
Folks, all 7 of these yahoos voted for a $37. 5 million budget of your money. No citizen input and all Workshops were closed to the pubic.
The Town Manager’s posting of defenses continued. She said “the Town has no plans to build a Visitor Center.” Fact, the County owns 70% of Spur Cross and controls it. They already voted to build one. Why did the Council in May vote to appraise 12 pieces of land of which only 2 are for sale? Appraisals precede purchase. Purchase comes before buildings. McGuire has been pimping for a Visitor Center and gold plated bathrooms for over a decade.
No matter how Carrie Dyrek tries to divert from the Facts, the sign said “Town Hall is Closed Until Further Notice.” The Door was locked!! For one Month!! I have a photo!
Serious matters face the Town, yet the Mayor keeps canceling meetings. Bob Morris wrote last week about so called “Water Quality,” but he and the other 6 council members hope very smart CC citizens don’t ask the astute question, “Does the $2 million filtration system show positive test results that the carcinogens are being removed from the drinking water?”
On to Harmony Hollow. Melissa Paxton did a cute piece last week, but responded to nothing. Fact, she repeatedly and publicly advocated that her friends/owners of Harmony Hollow receive their “over appraisal” full asking price of $1.8 million because the owners are her friends and were nice to her when she rented from them. Conflict, for sure.
You Creekers are very smart. Vote for new leadership and honest, open government! Do Bullet voting; only vote for the 1 or 2 council people you like, you DO NOT have to Vote for 6 candidates!!
Make Cave Creek Great Again!
Gary Schmitt
Founder/President, Friends of Spur Cross Coalition