KTAR.com displayed the following on March 15:
“(Arizona Governor) Ducey recommends canceling large events in Arizona.
Phoenix- On the same day Arizona leaders announced a two week closure of schools due to Coronavirus, Governor Ducey recommended a statewide suspension of all large public events.
In accordance with recommendations from Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, Ducey encouraged the cancellation of all “large events and mass gatherings.”
On Sunday, the CDC provided an update regarding its guidelines for large public gatherings, recommending that event organizes “cancel or postpone in-person events that consist of 50 or more people or more throughout the United States” for the next eight weeks.
“Examples of large events and mass gatherings include, conferences, festivals, concerts sporting events, weddings and other types of assemblies,” Ducey continued.”
Having read that on Sunday, I called the Town Manager on Monday and asked her secretary whether or not the town is canceling Bike Week events in Cave Creek since they draw thousands of people.
The only reply we received by 3 p.m. is cancellation of a town event ad for which attendance would exceed 50 citizens and staff.
As of Monday, President Trump’s administration is advising Americans to avoid:
-gathering in groups of more than 10 for the next 15 days
-discretionary travel
-eating and drinking in bars and restaurants
I assume the Crony Capitalist Mayor is in favor of continuing Bike Week, but the ramifications of neglecting Governor Ducey and President Trump are a huge penalty for and risk to Cave Creek citizens.
The town council has bent over backwards for Bike Week and if they let it run there will huge benefits to those who are challenging weak-kneed members of the current Cave Creek Town Council.
Cononavirus due to the event could have enormous legal consequences!
The town reply came from Mayor Ernie Bunch at the council meeting on Monday, which is totally inadequate. The only change they made should have been made long ago.
The town is not allowing road closure but has done nothing to meet the President’s or Governor’s suggestions to slow the virile spread. In fact the Buffalo Chips’offer to provide parking simply adds more bikers and more virile risk. The only way to stop biker invasion is to close 5 Cave Creek western restaurants, at least temporarily. Many towns have done just that.
Pray for a new Mayor and council in the next election!