For All Signs: This is the last full week of the last month of 2019. It begins with a new Moon eclipse in Capricorn on December 26, 2019. It is a time of Truth and recognition of major changes in the decade to come. Be honest with yourself and others and gently let the fading energies flow into the ethers. I have written weekly horoscope articles since Jan. 1992 and it is now time for me to let this particular project go wherever it will. It has lasted 28 years, a full Saturn cycle, which has come to its natural conclusion. I shall continue to see clients and pursue my astrological career in other ways, but the time of writing for me is over. I bid it a fond farewell and I give thanks for the attention of my editors and readers.
Endings and beginnings occur in eclipse seasons. After the New Moon eclipse on Dec. 25 there will be a Full Moon eclipse on January 10, 2020 in the sign of Cancer. Read below for both your Sun and Rising Signs so you can learn where these changes will carry you as the new year rolls over.
Aries: The full moon side of this eclipse season may bring fresh news to light about someone in the family. For example, a pregnancy is announced. The new moon calls upon you to take steps toward beginning something new in your life direction, even if it feels like a risk. Start your research.
Taurus: The accent of this eclipse cycle will be on travel, education, care of vehicles and relationships to siblings, roommates, neighbors, or others who daily traverse your life. Habit patterns of thought will be brought to consciousness so negative thinking can be corrected. You will be introduced to new practical life skills.
Gemini: During this series of eclipses you will be learning to value yourself in new ways. Alongside of that comes education in the management of money and other resources, such as time and energy. There will be less assistance from others in these arenas, but you are creating these resources for yourself.
Cancer: The full moon eclipse may have brought you to the point of becoming firm about who you are and who you are not. An issue of identity and declaration of self is at hand. The new moon eclipse represents your inherent need to attend to relationships. Your partner may be starting something that affects both your lives.
Leo: On this eclipsed full moon you may discover or reveal one or more secrets. Dreams and intuition are very strong. Issues of mental health are emphasized. The strength of the interplay between physical and emotional health is apparent. You likely will vow to change health habits that are destructive.
Virgo: The results of contributions you have made to your community become apparent. “Your community” may include organizations to which you belong, your circle of friends, and various connections you have made along the way. A new beginning occurs in the arena of romance or life with children, and the territory of play.
Libra: Matters concerning your family and property are accented. Old problems in relationships, even with the deceased, will surface for cleansing and healing. A new family member may enter the scene, or you may begin to spend more time with family in general.
Scorpio: You will be mulling over where you stand with regard to moral, ethical and philosophical issues. Information has come to your attention that pressures you to recognize a fallacy in your belief system. This is disturbing, but it is the only way to mature the system. What has been a black/white issue has a lot more gray than you previously thought.
Sagittarius: This eclipse pattern will emphasize issues of sexuality, intimacy, and material accumulation. Reorganization of debt, investments and your estate may be in progress. You may now be more conscious than usual about existential matters related to life, death, and what is on “the other side” of normal, waking consciousness.
Capricorn the Goat: (Dec. 21– Jan. 19) The eclipse series will draw your attention to your partnerships. Patterns from your childhood history needed to be uncovered, repaired or removed in order to allow your growth into a more mature relationship. Psychotherapy may be truly helpful. There may be a crisis of consciousness at this time.
Aquarius: This eclipse pressures you to concentrate on improvement of work related relationships and health maintenance. Diet, exercise and improvement of physical regimen is imperative. Honing your management systems in personal and work arenas is necessary to create order in your daily work routine.
Pisces: This eclipse pattern emphasizes your progeny or other personally creative births. Romantic ventures will be intensely emotional and self-revealing. You are learning a few lessons in discernment concerning friendships and associations that no longer serve you well.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at (704) 366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Website: http//www.horoscopesbyvivian.com