For All Signs: The winter solstice this year is timed at 11:20 p.m. EST on Dec. 21, 2019. This is the theoretical point of deepest darkness in the northern hemisphere. Ancients celebrated the “return” of the Sun within a few days following the solstice, when it became apparent that it would, indeed, return. On Hanukkah and Christmas we celebrate the light that never quite goes out inside, no matter how dark it may seem in the world. We rejoice in the ongoing rebirth of hope for new life within our psyche’s and on the planet. May each of you experience fresh inspiration and expectation of joy in the year to come!
Aries: This is a really good time to advance your political aspirations from behind the scenes. If you support the Powers that Be in your world, they will return the favor now. You are making progress toward reducing debt. Your physical body is in better condition and you are probably feeling very well.
Taurus: A relationship or friendship that began suddenly in late spring has gone through one or two transformations already. If you are still together, this time brings yet one more change in how you relate to each other. If this is not a person, it may be a creative project that you began at that time. It could be described as “out of the box”.
Gemini: You are probably more sensitive to what others think right now. Don’t ask anyone else to evaluate you or critique your work. Wait until you are finished with your creative efforts. On this same theme, avoid critiquing others. You do not have all the facts and your rationale is likely flawed.
Cancer: There is a lot of chatter all around you. Some of it may be disturbing to your sense of comfort. Don’t buy into it or worry overmuch. The dust will settle soon and whatever the event, it will be over in a few days’ time.
Leo: Your general attention is shifting for the next month into the arena of your career and overall life direction. Whatever you have created thus far will be noticed and perhaps applauded. As a talented leader, you may attract an invitation to manage an upcoming project.
Virgo: The “rules” and the world’s expectations have you tied up like a pretzel right now. The harder you struggle, the tighter those binds seem to become. It’s like a Chinese puzzle. Sometimes if you relax on the control issues, the solution comes through. Back off. Give it some space.
Libra: A relationship or friendship that began with gusto in May arrives at a point of evaluation. The question of commitment may always be an issue in this situation. Do you want it or not? Does “the Other want it or not?” Some relationships only move forward in fits and starts. You can see both bad and good points about this one.
Scorpio: You have an opportunity to create a steadily growing investment of time, energy or money. The requirement is that you study the necessary details in order to develop a smooth working operation. Physical activity and competition are favored.
Sagittarius the Archer: (Nov. 22 — Dec. 20) For much of this week you are in a gregarious and talkative mood. You want to reach out to friends and share ideas. Love, relationships, and social life are given a go signal. The temptation to overspend is strong. If money is an issue, consider what would be fun and interesting that doesn’t require a big expenditure.
Capricorn: Work and self-discipline from the past brings you a work opportunity that will bode favorably in the future. The source is probably a friend or an acquaintance in your general network.
Aquarius: Venus enters your sign this week and will be traveling “with you” through mid-January, 2020. Her presence gives you an air of poise and people will simply like how you look. Often when Venus is featured we become more interested in anything which adds beauty or luxury to our lives.
Pisces: Be careful if you feel compelled to buy. You are likely to splurge on an item that ultimately doesn’t fully offer what you think. The promise is big, but the result may fall short of your expectations.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at (704) 366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments . Website: http//www.horoscopesbyvivian.com