“We’ll be with you shortly”

There are three pharmacies serving Cave Creek. I have been with one of them for many years and their service was terrific. Somewhere along the way they decided to modernize, I guess, and installed a robot phone system. I was ok for awhile — all you had to do to place an order for a prescription was hit zero and be transferred to an order taker.
Suddenly, management changed the system. Now, if you hit zero, you are transferred but there is music and an every 15 second interruption telling you “We are sorry”, but we are answering other calls. Please hold on and we will be with you shortly.”
First the music was rock and apparently there were complaints so they changed to charming classical music, but still have an interruption every 15 seconds.
What is their definition of “shortly?
I was in desperate need of a product and listened to that for 75 minutes until I gave up. It stated that three were ahead of me then two then none and still no living, breathing human being.
It was clear they were trying to force you to use the robot so I inputted the product number and they still sent me to the endless message.
I gave up and drove to the pharmacy and handed the prescription to a human.
Those of you that trade with that company know what and who I am talking about. But it was clear they were lying to me – 75 minutes to clear three orders? I don’t think so.
So I called a local competitor who said you have a clear choice between the electronic solution or a person. Moreover, pharmacies will simply call the competitor and get all of your prescription data. So guess what I did?
I am sure you have noticed the tire tracks on the white posts that line the medians of our roads. Our council would rather cause accidents than admit they were wrong and clear the roads of the crap they placed there.