CCUSD would like to celebrate outstanding efforts in teaching and learning by recognizing exceptional teachers and students:
Ms. Lori Johnston is a reading specialist at Desert Sun Academy. Each day, Johnston works with over fifty students in grades kindergarten through sixth. She is known for her big smiles, constant warm approach and ability to help children build their confidence and love for reading. Johnston believes it is her job to help all students feel safe and supported in an environment that makes learning fun and rewarding. She goes above and beyond to use games, songs and a classroom full of unique literacy activities that engage students and motivate them to always do their best. Pictured is Johnston reading with her stuffed pet “Dino” and a group of kindergarten students.

Sophia Delaney is a third grade student at Desert Sun Academy. Ms. Johnson says of Sophia, “She’s a self-motivated student with a fantastic attitude about learning. She goes above and beyond with each assignment and loves to write, putting all of her effort into growing and improving each time she writes.” Sophia is fun, kind to others, is outgoing, and always willing to share ideas to help others. Pictured is Sophia working on a personalized learning project in her classroom.