Eileen Wright did a fantastic job of reviewing Paul Diefenderfer’s election. As you know ‘Dief’ was rumored to have been short of signatures on the Nomination Petition which allows him to be placed on the ballot.
Her calculations indicate he had only 68 valid signatures and 19 non valid signatures. Signatures required: Not less than 79 nor more than 159 valid signatures of qualified electors of the Town of Cave Creek.
If it is true that even one invalid signature on a page eliminates all names on the page, then although irrelevant, there are only 24 valid signatures.
I talked to the Maricopa County Elections office. Unfortunately the woman I spoke with said voters only have 10 days to file a complaint after elections and only if cities and towns have countervailing regulations may they have a way to address the issue. If not, the only way is to file for a recall.
Well, Creekers are skilled at recall. Remember Adam Trenk and his three stooges?
I called to see if Cave Creek had any solutions to this egregious situation; they were closed due to the Columbus Day holiday.
There is a way the town can fix this dilemma. Eileen Wright and John Hoeppner have provided the evidence. Mayor and council should vote Dief off the council. After all, he chose his path and they have allowed it.
If the town council doesn’t act or citizens are not forthcoming with a recall, I plan to ask the Goldwater Institute for help. Enough is enough!
There still remains $160,000 for a bike path as if we haven’t spent enough. Spend more money so bikers can sail through the School House Road stop sign, ignoring the lights blazing away.
People who make claims which break town laws should not be allowed by organizations like the Sonoran Arts League.
Dief’s buddies include bicycle clowns like the one who called Hoeppner a “Dick” on Facebook. At least that is part of a man which is more than I can say about bicycleboy.
I have a soft place in my Heart for Bob Hughes. He once flew me over Continental Mountain to take pictures in his twin engine airplane. But when Hoeppner offered a handshake he put both arms across his chest and said, “I am a friend of Dief.” Really Bob, still?