Every American citizen who values their precious freedoms outlined in The Bill of Rights, should read Dr. Sam C. Holiday, USMA ’48, Col USA (Ret) article, especially millions of millenniums, who for over 20 years, had been misled in classroom instruction by leftist teachers and professors about success of Socialism in comparison to the failure of the Constitutional Republic of the US.
Socialist governments have suppressed, enslaved, and murdered hundreds of millions of people throughout the world for over 100 years in Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia, Castor’s Cuba, Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela, Mao’s China, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, Ho Chi Minh’s Vietnam, Nyerere’s Tanzania, Jaruzelski’s Poland, Najibullah’s Afghanistan, Ortega’s Nicaragua, Ceausescu’s Romania, Dubcek’s Czechoslovakia, Zinvkov’s Bulgaria, Tito’s Yugoslavia, etc. Most recently, The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights issued a report on Venezuela, noting that between January 2018 and May 2019, Nicolas Maduro’s Socialist thug-regime murdered nearly 7,000 people.
Millenniums should have been able to easily compare the failures of brutal Socialist regimes in the 37 countries where they gained control, with the success of the Founding Fathers Constitutional Republic, that has freed so many oppressed people in the world. and received so very little in return. Unfortunately for over 20 years, the Common Core Curriculum forced upon states by Department of Education, required the use of revised US History textbooks, funded by George Soros, that lie about the remarkable History of the Republic.
The listed narrative is presented to provide a more in depth understanding of the creation of the Constitutional Republic, and the three Pillars of the Republic; it is the glue that strengthened the Republic for 243 years. The three Pillars are:
- The Declaration of Independence which formed the moral basis of government in the new Republic.
- The US Constitution that sets the legal basis for the government, of and by the people.
- Together, they check and balance each other, to establish America’s unwritten “Social Contract”, i.e. what is right and legal in the government, of and by the people, of the Republic.
The genius of the Founding Fathers was to combine the Western idea of God, with the Chinese concept of nature, and the teachings of Confucius, in order to form a new and unique government, of and by the people, that established the “Social Contract”—an unwritten agreement between the Colonists and their new government.
The Founding Fathers were convinced that a government founded on the basis of the Three Pillars of The Republic would secures and fosters a nation for future generations of Americans that would bring peace, justice, order, safety, and happiness in the Republic.
Members of the US Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Officers have always sworn to protect and defend one of the pillars that established the legal basis for the government of the Republic, the US Constitution.
The Founding Fathers believed as long the” Social Contract” continued, it would foster a Republican form of government, and a way of life, that would create a stable noble nation.
The Founding Fathers understood the meaning of “Equality”, it is not what Socialists have been indoctrinating America’s youth, for the last 20 years, that equality means. Equality did not mean that everyone is the same, that everyone has the same duties, everyone has the same rights, or the same responsibilities.
The Founding Fathers knew that human being are not equal in background, upbringing, physical, and intellectual endowments, or motivation. Equality, as referred to in the US Constitution, meant that all humans beings have received their natural rights from “God”, which are inherent and inalienable, and that includes life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, property, and religion.
In the below listed article, Dr. Holiday explains how the complex interrelationships developed between the government and people for 243 years, and why America’s “Social Contract” has been so important.
For the last 20 years, the Pillars of the Republic have been under attack by the Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, Communists, The Muslim Brotherhood, and the Democrat Socialist Party run by Tom Perez, who was appointed as the Chairman of the Democrat National Committee by Barrack Obama before he left office.
Perez has a long history of anti-white views, including making the declaration “White people should not be entitled to protection under the Voting Rights Act.” Perez was the longtime leader of a Communist, militant open border immigration group, Casa de Maryland, that since 2000, has continued to work toward giving Illegal Aliens the right to vote. Support for Illegal Aliens voting rights was also voiced by Nancy Pelosi. Her most recent quote: “You need to voted for Democrats, otherwise Illegal Aliens will lose their rights.”
Hugo Chavez, the former Communist President of Venezuela, and protégé, of the Communist Dictator Fidel Castro, sent $1 million to Perez’s Casa de Maryland annually, with instructions to keep the southern border wide open. Perez worked to keep the southern border wide open by applying Chave’s funding, and continued for the last three years, with the help of Pelosi, Schumer, and Rinos in Congress.
Perez’s Democratic Socialist Party refusal to help stem the massive flow of illegal immigrants invading the United States, has resulted in over one hundreds thousand Illegal Aliens from 52 countries being interdicted each month, meaning that two hundred thousand Illegal aliens entered the US illegally without being interdicted each month. The Illegal invasion of over 300,000 Illegal Aliens each month, is resulting in the Republic close to losing its sovereignty, and massive drug smuggling has gotten completely out of control.
According to the Center for Immigration Studies, 35,000 African migrants have arrived in Central America, and are now en route to enter the United States illegally; failure to quarantine those 35,000 African migrants is posing the dangerous threat of an Ebola epidemic to the lives of all Americans.
The Common Core Curriculum’s vilification of US History continues, and its indoctrination of the benefit of Socialism, has resulted in millions of millenniums demonstrating in the streets against Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly, and against closing the wide open southern border. Millenniums are instead demonstrating in support of Socialists candidates for president, for post birth abortion, free health care for all Illegal Aliens, and open borders, resulting in the enslavement of female children for prostitution.
By misleading and polarizing America’s youth for the last 20 years, the dark forces in the nation, funded by George Soros, with the support of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, Communists, The Muslim Brotherhood, and the Democrat Socialist Party have been intent on destroying the Republic the Founding Fathers created, and The Free Enterprise System. They are intent on replacing the Constitutional Republic, with a Socialist State controlled by a very few brutal and oppressive Marxist leaders.
That polarization currently being fostered by the left of center liberal media establishment, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, Communists, The Muslim Brotherhood, and the Democrat Socialist Party, are undermining the unity that the Founding Fathers achieved, by they fostering the 3 Pillars of the Republic—unity is close to being lost.
In order to restore the unity of the American people and the Republic in a government, by and for the people, that the Founding Fathers envisioned, Patriotic Americans should come together to re-invigorate America’s “Social Contract” by supporting a number of national initiatives to:
- Provide the US Border Patrol with support they need to build a wall to close the wide open Southern Border.
- Put pressure on 50 State Education Departments and County School Boards, to eliminate the Common Core US History curriculum, with the revised US History textbooks that degrade, misrepresents, and eliminates positive facts about the remarkable History of the Republic.
- Support identity measures to prevent massive voter fraud perpetrated in 2016 and 2018, by putting pressure on elected legislators to require all voters to present the same type of IDs in order to vote at the polls, that is required to board an aircraft, cash a check, obtain medical treatment at a hospital, check a book out of a library, etc.
- Oppose “Political Correctness” in all its formas, in order to prevent the abridgment of “Freedom of Speech
There are many more initiatives “The American People” must develop and support to “Right the Ship of State”.