At a recent Cave Creek Town Council meeting, the council voted 7-0 to seat Reg. Monachino on the water committee.
Monachino was one of the majority voters in Adam Trenk’s recalled council. My choice of council members for this council did not include him for that reason and others. I didn’t choose Diefendorfer either, but he sneaked in.
I have two videos on my computer desktop that include the two of whom I am speaking. How would you feel if they spoke at a council meeting and suggested you were antisemitic, an accusation was hurled at us by both. Everybody knows they are buddies and they are misinformed, too. Those videos will be on our web page www.sonorannews.com. You can see for yourself why any sane person would not vote for them.
The video of Monachino claims we write hate columns. And what is his video? Dissanderfer’s video refers to actions taken by the Trenk council before they were recalled. Trenk’s “team” removed Sonoran News from town mailings required by law. The Arizona Republic did not mail to all homes. We do, and that is why we were reinstated by the new council.
In a later meeting other dark side individuals made the same claims until our then reporter Linda Bentley got up and said, “I have worked for Sonoran News for 14 years and I am Jewish. Why would I work there if they were antisemitic?” You could hear a pin drop! Then a dark side “gentleman” stormed out saying he would get even. Even for what?
I talked to a local business owner about this and he said, “Don they must be Democrats because they call anyone they want to undermine a Racist or Antisemite knowing it is hard to prove that you aren’t.”
True, but the videos are proof here.
Why would seven people vote for Monachino? What in God’s green Earth does he know about water at the level needed here? And no one who served as a yes man majority should ever be chosen for a council seat or commission seat.
How do we change the council? By replacing them! 7-0 indeed, madness!
The current council has done nothing positive.
We will suffer another July 4 without fireworks thanks to them.
They did nothing for the last Bike Week. Even though some said they’d fix the situation, there were still road closures because the Roadhouse and Hideaway load their parking lots with out of town businesses.
They have done nothing with the sign on town property.
Have done nothing to audit the two cash businesses to prove taxes are being paid.
Then there is the disaster called Cave Creek Road! It was fine until this seven man wrecking crew decided to “improve” it.
Their choice of signs and other obstacles has slowed traffic about two to one with the potential to cause rear-end collisions. Flashing signs are unneeded; this is Cave Creek!
The town council can’t get its act together about signs.
The town is still on a 4 day week, because employees like it, never mind what voters want.
Why does the town compete with advertisers by having their paid signs at corners?
My understanding is that neighbors of Diefendorfer are concerned because his use of large storage boxes to construct his home has devalued local homes and wonder why the town allows welding in the desert when they turned down fireworks.
In Wittman/Wickenberg human caused wildfires were: Welding 570 acres gone, Barbeque 266 acres gone and Debris 384 acres gone.
So far I am working with two highly qualified candidates for the next council election. So I may need five more.
Some present members may be able to explain how 7-0 can happen for the likes of Monachino. But as far as those who promised to stop road closures and didn’t, they are gone.