Easter is an exciting day for Christians around the world. Churches around the globe look forward to celebrating the resurrection of Christ.
Clergy persons look forward to a one day larger attendance. Church choirs and music programs try to shine brighter and give their best effort. For one day the light and victory of new life and victory over death rings bright in a world filled with so much gloom and death.
Merchants will sell some clothes as some people still buy new outfits for Easter. Some people are like me in that I got over worrying about what clothes I wear to church a long time ago. I still dress up sometimes of course but I don’t mind wearing an old suit.
Attitudes are changing toward Easter in America. Many church crowds have dwindled and Easter doesn’t seem to resurrect some of the religious dead anymore. There was a day when people who never attended church all year would rise up and go. Today, that’s happening less.
I actually have heard regular church attenders say they aren’t going on Easter Sunday. “Too many people and not enough seats or parking,” I have heard recently.
Regardless of what you do on Easter please take a moment and think about life and death. Death is real. We are all going to die. The cemetery is a lonely place. The only hope I know of dealing with death and the cemetery is the story of Easter. Easter is about Jesus who was crucified for the sins of the world. The Bible says he arose from the grave and was seen by more than five hundred people.
His disciples were beat down and had given up all hope after his crucifixion. When they saw Jesus they were totally transformed from men who were emotionally devastated to men who were filled with hope, vigor and power. They literally hid and ran for their lives when Jesus was arrested and crucified. After they had spent time with the risen Jesus they were willing to face anything and literally die for him. These men were filled with new hope and victory.
Don’t we all need this today? Surely every person on the planet needs hope and victory. We need it for daily living. We need it as we face the hour of death. We all can use some newness of life to just face today.
Thomas is known for being a big doubter but he changed his mind when he literally touched the risen Jesus. In the Bible story he exclaimed, “My Lord and my God,” John 20:28. We don’t have that privilege of being convinced like Thomas. However, Jesus said, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
This week once again Easter rolls around on the Calendar. Think about it. Think about all of it. Think about life, death, eternity, heaven, hell and the cemetery. Think about all that stuff. It can be morbid. The point of Easter is victory and celebration and more. I choose the point of Easter and if by chance it’s all a hoax what do I have to lose? If it’s all true I certainly have a great deal to gain.
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