At Hundman Wealth, proper tax planning is an essential part of responsibly managing finances

Jim Hundman
Jim Hundman

CAREFREE – By now, most Arizonans have filed their taxes. Whether the new tax laws were favorable or not for you, Hundman Wealth Planning’s Jim Hundman, accountant, lawyer, certified financial planner, said this is the perfect opportunity while you have everything out in front on you to do some tax planning.

“While I don’t like clients getting any refund, my preference is that they owe less than $1,000 [that way they won’t have to submit estimated payments].”

It’s difficult to give blanket advice for everyone so each and every American ends up the ideal owe-less-than $1000 scenario. As such, Hundman takes each client’s situation into consideration: wages (whether business or individual), investments, household status, age and goals, so he knows how to plan for that person/family.

For five years now, Hundman has been a convenient (office located in Pima Norte, 36600 N. Pima Rd.) and professional resource with more than 25 years of experience in tax, retirement and estate planning (protecting assets, controlling distribution, preserving your legacy).

Now that the 2017/2018 tax season is in the rearview mirror, start planning for next year with Jim Hundman. Phone 480-625-3134 for all your tax, retirement and estate planning needs or visit