The Town of Cave Creek got money and land easements at their January 22nd Town Council meeting. Joel Fisher of Arizona Public Service presented a check for $13,356 to the Town. Not truly a gift, it’s for the Town’s participation in the Peak Solutions program. During peak usage times and grid emergencies, the Town, at APS’s request, will cut back on its electrical use and turn off non-essential items. Fisher said since 2012 the Town has received over $91,000 through the incentive program.
The Council voted to accept seven Deeds of Gift for public non-motorized trail easements to be added to the Town’s public trail system.
The Council took action to abandon an easement that was created by the Federal government in the 1930’s and is on the site of the planned Sprouts development. The easement is holding up developer Park West’s getting financing for the project. The action is contingent on approval of a public utility easement.