Jan. 2 – 8, 2019


For All Signs:  On Jan. 5, 2019, we will experience an astrologically significant solar eclipse in the sign of Capricorn.  This phenomenon is a symbol which marks the need for personal transformation as well as global/political change and its effects will be notable for the next two years.  Now is the time to break free of unproductive ruts and experiment with new forms in daily living patterns.  Talk yourself past the fears and take the opportunity to try ideas that have been floating in the back of your mind for a long time

Vivian Carol
Vivian Carol

Aries:   1st:  Take your vitamins and get plenty of rest this week.  You are subject to allergic reactions or opportunistic viruses that cross your path.  Your mind may feel foggy and unclear (perhaps due to allergy medications).  Drive and handle tools carefully.  Your dreaming mind could be especially active now.

Taurus:   Your romantic side is cooperating well with your nurturing side at this time.  This is especially good for female friendships.  Make a date for lunch and reconnect with people you like.  You have the opportunity to be a healing presence for friends or family members.

Gemini:  Your attention shifts to matters of shared resources for the next three weeks.  “Resources” include time, things of material value, energy and sexuality.  The territory is wide, ranging from the mundane study of the budget, to investments, and even to important discussions with partners over the need for greater intimacy.

Cancer:  Moon Children are always influenced by eclipses.  This one on Jan. 5, 2019, emphasizes your partner.  He/she may start something new which will have an effect on your relationship.  The resulting effect may not be immediately apparent but changes will develop over the next few months.

Leo: The eclipse of this week (see lead paragraph) may bring to mind a need for change in your self-care regimen.  This leads to reorganizing your daily routines to make time for improvements.  Changes may also occur in your workplace that require adjustment. In the beginning it may be unsettling, but the end result will be positive.

Virgo: This is a week in which your relationships flow smoothly.  Mercury, your ruling planet, moves into the sector of life related to children, recreation, personal creativity, and romance.  Your attention will be focused in these areas through January.  You will enjoy everything more if you can leave your Inner Critic locked in a box.

Libra: The New Moon eclipse brings attention to property.  You may be needing to attend to that which is aging.  It could be time to repair or replace. Your ruling planet is Venus.  “She” moves into a new sector now through February 3.  Your attention will be drawn to gatherings in neighboring areas and with those of your usual environment.  Those with siblings may enjoy improved relationship(s) through this period. 

Scorpio:  You likely will be in the right place at the right time to offer your deep compassion for someone who needs it.  Nobody can be as deeply empathetic with others as The Eagle.  If you follow that urge, it will be healing for you as well.  That kind of energy flows both ways.

Sagittarius:  Venus enters your sign this week and will travel “with you” until Feb. 3, 2019.  The subject of relationship will be very important as you move through this time.  If you have issues with a partner, this is the time to lay them out on the table to take a look at how better to deal with them.  Negotiate but do not accuse.

Capricorn the Goat:  (Dec. 21– Jan. 19) Please read the lead paragraph about the eclipse in your sign.  Your sense of personal identity has been the subject under consideration. Who are you becoming and who do you need to be?  How do you wish to define yourself before the world?  You are learning what is required for you to hold onto your identity while simultaneously maintaining a rewarding relationship.

Aquarius: This is a week in which you will be pondering important issues.  It may be about career and life direction. Now is a time to take yourself and your intentions seriously.  An opportunity to shape yourself into greater maturity is right before you.  Hold a long- term perspective as you make decisions now.

 Pisces: Communication with those from a distance will be favorable and supportive to your soul self.  The time is auspicious for activities related to travel, the internet, publishing, teaching, higher education, and the law.  You have a poetic turn of mind.  You likely will enjoy reading spiritual or philosophical material

Are you interested in a personal horoscope?  Vivian Carol may be reached at (704) 366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments .  Website:  http//www.horoscopesbyvivian.com