For All Signs: Mercury turns direct this week, on the afternoon of Dec. 6, 2018. Mercury’s retrograde phenomenon occurs three times per year so we’ve all experienced many of them. This particular one has been more serious than most because of its particular position in the zodiac at this time. Normally it represents communication and paperwork snarls, shifts in schedules and confusing messages. However, this episode of the retrograde has represented emotional difficulties as well. For many, old and painful history has surfaced to be re-grieved, challenges to self-esteem have forced a reexamination of issues we thought had been laid to rest. Though not pleasant to experience, the result of reworking these things will generate a strong definition of self and is ultimately healing.
Aries: This is not a time to be aggressive or attempt to press your way forward. You can only take small steps in the direction of your choice. It is as though there is some invisible element that keeps you spinning your wheels. Go with that which flows easily and take other things slowly for a couple of weeks.
Taurus: Tensions that have been submerged in a relationship may suddenly erupt and one of you may depart the scene. If in a normally stable relationship, then one of you is looking for some fresh excitement. Allow some change and reshaping to enliven the picture.
Gemini: Read the lead paragraph carefully. Mercury, your planetary ruler will be turning direct just on the edge of your relationship area. This suggests your partner will make a change in plans that affects decisions of your own. Hold onto your sense of humor and ride alongside it.
Cancer: The New Moon of December 7, 2018, occurs in your territory of daily routines, work, and health management. You may feel called to begin something new in any of these areas. Maybe it is not totally fresh, but is something you decide you want to take up again.
Leo: This is not a week to press yourself beyond your physical limits. You probably have too much on your plate already. You are prone to overwork on the holidays. You get into good cheer and volunteer to do everything. Then you become exhausted. Is this your pattern?
Virgo: Mercury is your avatar planet and it is turning direct this week as it moves into the sector of home, hearth, and family. You may have changes of plans concerning the holidays as your loved ones reorganize themselves. This year it may feel like herding cats as people shift gears and change plans.
Libra: There is potential for unexpected expenses at this time. You will probably be happier if you stay conscious of your budget for the holidays. Although you may be tempted to overspend, sit on your credit cards until better wisdom takes control.
Scorpio: Give special attention to the lead paragraph this week. Mercury is turning direct in your sign so there will probably be a flurry of changes going on around you. Don’t count on anything following the planned schedule. Hold onto your sense of humor and take your time before moving forward.
Sagittarius the Archer: (Nov. 22 — Dec. 20) On Friday, Dec. 7, we will experience a New Moon in the early degrees of your sign. Those most energized by this Moon are born during the first two weeks of December. The message of the sign: Life is meant to be relished and accepted philosophically. There is a solution to every problem. Don’t take issues so seriously that they destroy your ability to enjoy what is good.
Capricorn: This is a week in which you will be pondering important issues. It may be about career and life direction. Now is a time to take yourself seriously and think about yourself as a person. An opportunity to shape yourself into greater maturity is right before you. Hold a long- term perspective as you make decisions now.
Aquarius: The asteroid Vesta has recently moved into your sign. It will be with you through most of January. The name Vesta is borrowed from the Vestal Virgins of Rome. Female children were committed to tend the flame from age 6 to around 30. They were allowed to do little else. You may become devoted to tending someone or something of value during this period.
Pisces: Your attitude about yourself is not altogether accurate right now. You may think way too much of your ideas, or alternately, you may see yourself as lower than scum. Neither is accurate and you should probably not make decisions of any importance this week. Spiritual pursuits are given a “go” signal.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at (704) 366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Website: http//www.horoscopesbyvivian.com