For the most part, last Tuesday’s Town Council meeting was a casual mix of approving 11 Consent Agenda items in one motion and recognizing outgoing Council Member Mike Farrar for his years of service.

Taking center stage, the main focus turned to Dr. Debbi Burdick, Superintendent of Cave Creek Unified School District 93, who gave a presentation regarding the November 6th Ballot, where there will be a question for CCUSD to join in a partnership with EVIT (East Valley Institute of Technology). Given her position, the powerpoint presentation concentrated on merely presenting the facts and options, related to the vote, primarily as to inform the Council of financial, eligibility and other issues.
The question:
Shall the Cave Creek Unified School District No. 93 of Maricopa County, Arizona, become part of the East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT) Career Technical Education District as authorized by state law (A.R.S. §15-395)?
The property tax rate associated with joining EVIT is $0.05 per $100 secondary assessed valuation, resulting in a $5.00 property tax increase per year for a single family home with a full cash value of one hundred thousand dollars.
( Editor’s note: Dr. Burdick will provide the same presentation Tuesday evening at CSHS Lecture Hall at 6 pm )
Closing out the meeting agenda, Council approved the liquor license application for Elysian Desert Distillery.