For All Signs: Mercury, planetary ruler of everyday communications and business, turns direct on August 19. We continue to be in its retrograde cycle for 2.5 more weeks before it returns to the starting point. Expect a flurry of changes in plans on the 19th as Mercury shifts into forward gear. This begins the clean up period which calls for projects in motion to be concluded. We may also decide to pick up the threads of things we left behind before the retrograde cycle began (late June, early July). Mercury’s retrograde purpose is to pressure us to slow down, think and rethink everything, before proceeding with plans. It is ideal for those who meditate and who are working on self-study. It is not favorable for moving forward with important new plans because we will inevitably find something in error as we proceed. We can figure on making final changes to any Mercury retrograde projects over the next two weeks.
Aries: All forward motion is put temporarily on hold. You must slow down to manage health issues, whether that of yourself or your partner. Be patient. The structure needed to accommodate your original plan is not in place anyway. Time is required while you or someone you care about heals. Soon your Avatar planet, Mars, will go direct.
Taurus: It may be a challenge to hold onto your sense of stability now. Information and new experiences are swirling all around you. Transfer some of that high-wired, electrical energy into a project that uses your muscles and grounds your body. Then you will sleep better.
Gemini: See the lead paragraph. Mercury is your ruling planet. It’s possible that you have been waffling over several decisions and unable to choose the right ones. Now that Mercury turns direct, you will be able to untangle the various component parts and move in a forward direction.
Cancer: This recent set of three eclipses is complete. You are probably dealing with the outcomes of whatever crises and new events have come to you. It may relieve your mind to realize there are probably no more new surprises around the corner. Take a break and get some rest.
Leo the Lion: (July 22–Aug 22) Mercury has been retrograding in your sign. This week, as it changes to “direct” motion you may no sooner decide on one thing than you switch to another. Be aware you are trying on answers, just as one tries on clothes. Under these cosmic circumstances it is perfectly normal to argue with yourself. It will be better very soon.
Virgo: Pleasant memories from the past may surface for your review. As your planetary ruler turns direct (see lead paragraph) you may feel called to contact an old friend. Don’t hesitate. It will probably bring a nice experience.
Libra: At this time you may need to review some of the relationship mishaps of recent months. This is a fine time to talk things over and come to a shared point of view. You may also be considering plans to reconnect with an old friend, or a group association.
Scorpio: Although you may be sorely tempted to use devious methods to get what you want, that action will only catch you on the backside. Karma is fairly immediate for you right now. Offer those in authority your respect, at least for their status in the world. In the fall you have a more direct path to accomplish your aims.
Sagittarius: You have one or more angels behind the scenes during this period. People are saying positive things about you and are offering help, even if you do not know it. Psychic impressions, along with your ability to provide healing to others is strong. Follow your intuitive hunches.
Capricorn: You are under significant financial pressure now. Make an effort to face the problem and find a way to work it out. Hiding will not help. Don’t let yourself resort to any get rich quickly schemes. That will only cost you money you can’t afford to spend. Use care when driving or using tools. Park only in well-lit spaces. You could be subject to accident.
Aquarius: Listen closely to your inner self. If you have tolerated a rule well beyond its time, you may rebel and demand to do something different now. Plan a few hours of refreshing change. Try something new. You may have reason to declare your independence at this time, so you can make your own decisions without accounting for the wishes of others.
Pisces: This is a time in which you are unusually aware of your spiritual self. You will be recognizing things of life for which you are grateful. You prefer to seek the high road and maintain a positive attitude in spite of any difficult circumstances. You can see a bigger picture now. Hold onto it.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at (704) 366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments . There is a fee for services. Website: http://www.horoscopesbyvivian.com