For All Signs: Next week Uranus transitions into the sign of Taurus (5-15-18). This is important because the planet remains in one sign for seven years. It is one of the outer planets and represents significant change that will affect us personally as well as globally. Taurus is a sign related to the economy and planet resources. It is earthy so especially related to the ground and all that is grown on it. Expect surprises related to global resources now and for the next seven years. Many writers have been expecting a chaotic change in the dollar and that, among other things is more likely to happen now. Read your Sun and Ascending sign below for clues about the changes for you to come.
Aries: Income fluctuates wildly with Uranus in Taurus. Or it may begin to come from more than one source. Those with this position are more willing to take financial risks in order to gain increased rewards–and sometimes it works! It is not uncommon for this position to bring windfalls, but don’t count on it.
Taurus the Bull: (Apr 20—May 20)This month the planet Uranus enters your sign and will be there for a seven year stint. Are you restless? Wishing for a break from the routine of your life? You may or may not recognize it, but Uranus will help you break free of fears that have chained you to the old grind. Taurus is the least likely to initiate change, preferring the known devil to the unknown potential. Your self-image, along with your hair color and style of dress may alter as well.
Gemini: Disclosure of old family secrets that alter your perception of self may occur during the next 7.5 years. You develop much greater awareness of the unconscious and your interest in alternate forms of healing intensifies. Episodes of intuition or psychic awareness are likely to increase. Be aware of your tendency to sabotage yourself with needlessly eccentric behavior.
Cancer: During Uranus’ transit of Taurus (7 years) you are likely to be exposed to a new social life and broaden your sense of community and friendship. You will attract unusual people into your life that will serve to expand your sense of humanitarianism. Your overall goals and life choices will be shifting.
Leo: Uranus’ tour of Taurus symbolizes important changes and probable expansion of your career arena. Your boredom with old routines drives you to explore the untried. You have a need to rebel, which may cause difficulty with authority figures. You’ll be very attracted to the unusual in occupation–the more eccentric, the better.
Virgo: While Uranus moves through Taurus, you will be experiencing a rapidly expanding world view. This may come about through travel, higher education or attraction to people who hail from an altogether different environment. You may feel the need to explore alternative religions and/or philosophies.
Libra: During the next 7 years of Uranus in Taurus you’ll be introduced to a much greater perspective on the world of finance. You are also likely to grow through exposure to those who can teach you more deeply about yourself, psychologically, sexually and spiritually. Issues around birth, death, and transformation play an important role.
Scorpio: New and unique experiences will likely be brought to you through changes in situation made by your partner (business and/or personal). Those with clientele will see major shifts in whom they attract. Scorpio tends to resist change, but this is a message to relax and follow the new currents.
Sagittarius: You will probably enter a long period of changes related to employment. A new situation might present you with a job that brings something new and different every day. Another arena of new interest is likely to develop in the area of personal health. You may be attracted to alternative healing methods.
Capricorn: Uranus’ transit of Taurus is likely to present unique or avant-garde opportunities to develop your personal creativity. Those open to romance will attract unusual people who broaden your life, but don’t look for the security of commitment. Unexpected pregnancy may be part of the changing scenario.
Aquarius: Your probability of making one or more moves of home and hearth is strong while Uranus is in Taurus. It might be easier to put your belongings in storage than to try to drag them around with you. Property may begin to feel like tons of luggage. Your perspective on your personal definition of “security” will change over the next 7.5 years.
Pisces: Uranus in Taurus will free you to explore new and untried territory through travel or via high tech gadgetry. Your habitual attitudes and your normal patterns of communication may alter considerably over the next 7-8 yrs. Unusual situations develop involving your neighborhood, siblings, and roommates. A sexy new car sounds appealing.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at (704) 366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. (There is a fee.) http//www.horoscopesbyvivian.com