For All Signs: Mercury will turn retrograde on March 22 at 8:19 pm EST. There is always a foreshadow, something like a preview. This week on March 5, Mercury entered shadow territory and we will begin to see Mercury retrograde “symptoms”. Many of you know what they are, but for those who do not, I will mention that schedules tend to flip-flop, travel becomes complicated, and we are prone to make mistakes in logic. At the retrograde point (March 22) the symptoms become more challenging and continue until Mercury turns direct which will be on April 15. We will all be filing our taxes during this challenging time. Double check everything, particularly since there are new rules and regulations. The after-shadow continues through April, 2018 this time. Mercury retrogrades are not the best for business because so many mistakes are made. However, they are good for research, reflection, and correcting previous errors.
Aries: Beware the liar. The probability is high you will encounter one this week, someone who believes his own story, thus making it unclear if he is telling the truth. Check out the sources and ask other people who may know something about the situation. Don’t accept anything of importance at face value.
Taurus: This is a week of “nose to the grindstone”. You are in a serious frame of mind and feel a strong need to get things accomplished that began earlier in the year. At this point, if you are to accomplish the task, you must pour on considerable energy and resources. It is a creation with its own spirit, so allow it to grow in the way it “wants” to evolve.
Gemini: You may need to concentrate to avoid critics, whether they be internal or external. Instead of accepting blame or guilt, use the energy to make improvements wherever they are needed. Avoid contracts and business negotiations for the next few weeks because misunderstandings may develop.
Cancer: You have been seeking a big picture view of your life direction. There seems to be a lack of helpful information. Perhaps you are encountering conflicting resources that leave you without knowledge of a clear path. Do what you can, but don’t let it take down your mood. The upcoming Mercury retrograde is making information foggy and unclear. Relax.
Leo: You have your eye on the overview and it looks grand indeed. Others follow your lead. A word of caution: your optimistic attitude and belief that you are right could cause you to become arrogant. If you want others to join your ride, give them a special place on the wagon. Share the glory.
Virgo: This is not your smoothest week. Details may nag your mind and your time like pecking ducks. You and significant others are not having the best of communications right now. You may be in the mood to nit-pick others. Probably you will feel generally better if you work alone.
Libra: Don’t allow fear and pessimism to interfere with your pleasure in life. If something is nagging at you, take a clear and direct look at it. Is there really anything there, or have you invented your own worry? The blues may be your companion for a couple of days over the weekend, but the cloudy time is short.
Scorpio: This is a good news week for you. Relationship(s) to lovers and children are brighter. It appears you may have a fortunate event concerning income and extra money available. Something new and interesting is turning up in the arena of your job. Leap on it.
Sagittarius: After what seems an aeon, you have a happy development that is the result of your personal effort and creativity. There may also be a green light in relation to a lover or a child. Circumstances favor travel, education, or both.
Capricorn: Life with home, hearth and family may be rocky this week. You must work to manage your communications at this time. Your situation may require you to use an unaccustomed vehicle, such as writing, to make yourself understood. People with feelings may require you to listen before they will hear you.
Aquarius: For any number of reasons, circumstances may leave you out of the social loop this week. It’s possible that you do not feel well. Astrologically this is a time for self-reflection and not self-condemnation. Having a quiet week is appropriate at this time. Don’t turn this into a negative belief about yourself. Enjoy the time to be still and enjoy the quiet.
Pisces the Fish: (Feb. 18 — Mar 19) Aspects favor interests in one or more of the following: education, travel, legal affairs, internet, publishing, and publicity. Others are interested in your point of view and seek your attention. You usually think yourself invisible, but that is not true these days.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at (704) 366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Website: http://www.horoscopesbyvivian.com