For All Signs: The main focal point this week continues to be the major stellium of five planets plus the Moon in Capricorn. This is the sign of politics and corporate bodies. There likely will be even more news about these areas than we have already experienced. Capricorn is a sign that assumes power and delegates the work to the peons of the world. The central planet of this stellium is Pluto, which represents destruction and eventual metamorphosis into new forms. This is not an easy concept or experience. We may choke on the news. Refuse and trash, a human creation, must be moved through a process that eventually serves as the ground of a new creation. Plastic does not dissolve and will block the regular system of metamorphosis. We may have more attention on this human issue and its damage to animals and the ocean before the month is over.
Aries: It is time to heal a rift that may have occurred long ago. It may require some courage to allow yourself to be vulnerable, but heartfelt engagement is what will relieve some of that old stressor. If you are unable to deal with it directly, perhaps it will help to talk with a good friend or a counselor.
Taurus: For the next three weeks your activities are on display. Others are noticing your performance, so make it great. You may be standing in the limelight. You may be called upon to dust off your leadership gifts at this time.
Gemini: The week begins with mild irritation over matters financial. You may be unhappy with yourself or your partner over an error that has occurred. Within a couple of days this irritation yields to a solution that proves the problem was really nothing as big as you thought. Give attention to odd symptoms or noises of your vehicle.
Cancer: This is a relatively quiet week for the Moon Children. A new moon occurred in your partner’s territory on January 16, which suggests new activity for him (her). You need some space between you and it is just as well that you do your own thing for a time.
Leo: For the next month much of your attention will be on “others” in your life. Partnerships of any type are generally favored by this arrangement, because you will be searching for the “fair” solution in any dilemma. It is a good time to seek consultation from professionals if you need it. You will attract the “right” advice.
Virgo: You may be somewhat irritable as the week begins. But this quickly resolves as you focus your attention on children, lover, and creative activities. If the irritation of the early week causes you to be sharp with anyone, don’t hesitate to apologize so the transgression can be vaporized with minimum fuss.
Libra: Venus, your ruling planet, moves into the sector of life related to children, recreation, and romance. The goddess of love is happy in this territory and often brings new energy and light wherever she goes. Opportunities to share your love, personal or humanistic, will be rewarding.
Scorpio: Mars, the original god of war, continues to travel through your sign. Sometimes it carries a two-edged sword. One side is for helping those less fortunate. The other side is for fighting and slashing one’s way through a forest. You have more than one choice to make this week on how you use Mars’ power.
Sagittarius: This is absolutely not a time to take an offensive, attacking position. If you feel angered by another, think the situation through from the very beginning. Look for your contribution to the problem. On the other hand, if someone else takes a swing at you, you may defend yourself as you need.
Capricorn the Goat: (Dec. 21– Jan. 19) The cluster of planets gathered in your sign suggests a bee’s nest. Your mind is a sheer jumble of ideas and self-expectations. The problem is that there seems to be a major challenge to put those ideas into forward motion. The Critic must be working overtime inside of you. Give yourself some R&R from the buzzing. Things will settle down soon.
Aquarius: Venus enters your sign this week and will be traveling “with you” through February 9, 2018. Her presence gives you an air of poise and people will simply like how you look. Often when Venus is prominent we become more interested in art forms and want to make things in the environment more attractive. We are also more interested in beautifying ourselves.
Pisces: Early in the week you may feel fatigued, possibly by hurt feelings. After a couple of days, your attitude will improve and your self-talk will be more positive. You probably know that the quality of your life flows up and down with the self-talk. It is important to give that factor daily attention. You could make your life smoother with positive affirmations.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at (704) 366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Website: http//www.horoscopesbyvivian.com