For All Signs: The first two weeks of January builds a remarkable stellium of planets in Capricorn. In order from early degrees to late, we have: Saturn, Mercury, Pluto, Sun, and Venus. On. Jan. 14 through 16, the Moon lends its hefty weight to this series. It is uncommon to have so many bodies lined up together within 30 degrees of the zodiac. Children born during this time will lead remarkable lives. They will be devoted to family, duty, and responsibilities. Make note as they grow for special gifts in building, gardening and organization of anything. Some will seem to be very “old souls”. With this much weight in the sign of Capricorn, the political world will be even more shocking than we have seen in recent months.
Aries: This year begins with a sense of joy through sharing with others. You may still be in receipt of gifts from loved ones. You want to give in return. Positive outcomes arrive related to insurance, joint resources, inheritance, and a refreshed sense of intimacy.
Taurus: You are feeling restless and need to try something new. Commute by a different route or go somewhere you have never visited before. Take your partner to a fresh place. It is important to make note of these restless feelings and do something about them. Otherwise you can become hard to live with, even for yourself.
Gemini: The Capricorn stellium (see lead paragraph) is in your 8th sector of invested money and inheritance. Your ruling planet, Mercury, is right in the middle, so it is probable that you are studying and reorganizing your financial affairs to better reflect the political reality of your life. You may be obsessing, so make a plan and then let it rest for a week before you take action.
Cancer: Your good judgment is in one place while your heart is in another. It could be highly distracting. Concentrate while driving or handling tools. If possible, don’t force a decision just now. You might benefit from writing a note to yourself from the voice of logic and a separate letter that speaks for your feelings so you can gain a bit of clarity.
Leo: Your ruling cosmic Avatar is the Sun. During these first weeks of the year you are coming through the Capricorn stellium (see above) like a freight train. You may be filled with a sense of purpose and the energy to fulfill it in short order. Don’t run over people with your compulsion.
Virgo: You are prone to obsessive thinking and criticism at this time. Be intentional about keeping an open mind and don’t insist on a black and white answer. It is possible someone is trying to box you into an attitude or a promise. You can resist falling into that trap.
Libra: This week takes on a somber note as you deal with home and family issues concerning challenging news. Aging people and property may exhibit new symptoms. Even you may be feeling older or more easily fatigued. This is not the best January for you. Give yourself the extra rest that you need.
Scorpio: You are ready for an adventure. It may already have begun, but now you are clearly on target. Love life and romance have “go” signals and you can move forward without hesitation. You have plenty of energy and this can be a joyful time in your life. Your spirits are high as a kite.
Sagittarius: You may feel compelled to raise your flag and promote your plans now. Do some self-searching ahead of time to find your true motive. If it is for the good of all, you will gain support from others. However, if you are really after a prize that will simply allow you to preen, let go of it. Your product or idea is not yet ready for exposure.
Capricorn the Goat: (Dec. 21– Jan. 19) Please note the lead paragraph. These planets are all gathering in your sign. It is possible that you will feel compelled to take over the show wherever you are focused. There is a lot of support for you. Share the wealth for best long term outcomes.
Aquarius: A friend or helper is a supporting background player in the territory of career or life direction. This person, who is probably a female, will be working on your behalf to help improve your status in the world. She is greasing the skids in your path. You may never know about what she is doing to help you.
Pisces: You may have a fortunate development that comes to you via friends and/or people who live at a distance. It appears to be an invitation that allows you to show your best self. You will have to move beyond your natural tendency to shyness in order to fully take advantage of this experience.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at (704) 366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments . Website: www.horoscopesbyvivian.com