Arizona State University’s 2018 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration contest
Cactus Shadows High School would like to congratulate Madison O’Sullivan, 1st place winner, and Lauren Benjamin, 3rd place winner, (out of 1,800 entries) for ASU’s 2018 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration contest. The theme this year is “Look Deeper Speak Louder” In their congratulatory letter, ASU noted that this theme “inspired creative artistry from students throughout the state.”
Dr. Steve Bebee, principal of CSHS said, “We are all very proud of Madison and Lauren and their passion for service of others. CSHS will be well represented with these two outstanding young ladies.”
The Falcons will be honored at the Thirty-Third Annual ASU Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast in January. The breakfast will be held at ASU’s Tempe campus with family members, teachers, principal and superintendent all invited to attend.
Ms. Christine Marsh, 2016 Arizona Teacher of the Year and the Falcon’s English Teacher said, “Both of these young ladies were able to see people in their lives exhibiting leadership skills through their service to others. Both essays were heartfelt and touching, and I am impressed at how Madison and Lauren so poignantly wrote about how people turned tragic events into an opportunity to help others.”
Congratulations Lauren and Madison and thank you for representing Cactus Shadows High School and the Cave Creek Unified School District with this honor.
Cactus Shadows High School is an A+ School of Excellence and is a World Class High School for the 21st Century. For more information, contact Dr. Steve Bebee, Principal, at [email protected] or visit our website www.ccusd93.org .