To the Editor,
I am sorry that Linda Bentley is leaving the Sonoran News. I will miss her.
There has been more than one occasion when she reported something I said from the Town Council dais that I thought was not my best or preferred quote. But as Linda reminded me, “Tom, that’s what you said.” And invariably she was right.
Don has his own ideas about what we do or should in local government. He has seldom held back. For the most part, Linda’s role was different. Her reporting provided the foundation on which a variety of opinions could rest.
Linda was a Cave Creek resident whose work showed her dedication to our town through 17 years in covering a community that has almost completely lost its place in other news media. She and the Sonoran News stayed with us when others dd not.
Linda could be apologetic about her academic credentials, but she showed the difference between formal training, and hard work and dedication. She set the bar high.
That’s why we will miss her.
Thomas McGuire
Councilman, Cave Creek