Is it causing you to harbor bitterness, anger, or resentment toward someone that, deep down, you actually deeply love?
Maybe that person gave birth to you…maybe you gave birth to them. Or maybe they’re a family member or best friend that has known you longer than virtually anyone else…
Let me tell you from experience: It’s not worth it.
Life is short. Relationships are everything. In fact, they’re not just everything, they’re the only thing. I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but you can’t take your “stuff” with you. If not beforehand, when you’re old and gray, you’ll come to the same realization that virtually everyone else who walked this planet has… it’s only the people in your life that mattered… your family, your kids, your friendships… your relationships.
That said, our relationships with those closest to us usually fall into one of two categories: those we foster and invest in, or those we deprioritize and let deteriorate. And what a shame the latter is
You see, you can’t get the time back. In life, you’ll either look back and treasure the time you spent and the memories you created with your closest friends and family members, or you’ll reflect in regret, wishing you made things “right” sooner, having more time to cherish with the people that mattered most.
Whatever you do, don’t let the second outcome be your fate. You deserve better. Your relationships deserve better. And God deserves better from you.
God’s word says in Ephesian 4:32, “…Has God graciously forgiven you? Then graciously forgive one another, just as Christ forgave you.”
Talk about perspective.
As humans, it’s easy to forget God’s example of forgiveness and reconciliation with us directly, though his son, Jesus Christ. But what a powerful reminder it is… God has shown us the ultimate display of grace and forgiveness, totally and completely undeserved. How much more should we strive to reconcile the relationships God has entrusted to us here on this earth?
Someone may have hurt you. You may feel like they’ve really done you wrong…and perhaps they have. But, how many times have you hurt the heart of God? Still, every single time, he’s quick to forgive, and welcome us back with open arms.
Who are we to hold ill will toward someone? Who are we to harbor resentment or unforgiveness?
And think about it… when it’s someone you love… a close friend… a family member… is it really worth living that way? The answer in a resounding no.
Matthew 5:23 says, “So then, if you bring your offering to the altar, and while there remember a quarrel with your brother or sister, abandon your offering, leave immediately, and go to this person and reconcile; make things right. Then and only then, come back and work things out with God.”
God’s word teaches us that it’s impossible for us to be in union with him, when there is division in our own relationships. We first have to reconcile horizontally, before we can reconcile vertically.
Is there someone in your life that you are holding something against, or someone who is holding something against you? Today is the day to reach out, and make it right. Offer forgiveness, or ask for forgiveness. Own up to your part. Let go of your pride, and reconcile. This is God’s commandment to us, because he knows that it’s only through reconciliation that we can live a full life, where we are at peace and our relationships are whole.
Don’t let another day go past wasting precious time before you are in union with those you love, and your creator.
In sincere friendship,
Joel Marion, CISSN
Founder, Transformation Insider