We are absolutely thrilled to hear today that the pageant will be presented this year. It has been a family tradition for our family for 47 years! In the early 1970s we lived in Carefree and started the tradition. Since then, we have taken our four children and now six of our grandchildren (7 this year with a new addition).
We have so many memories starting with the days with flashlights, finding the little spot on the side of Black Mountain, knitting striped stocking caps for everyone one year, and doing the Luminaria Run and pageant at the school all in one night. These days we all meet up for Mexican food and caravan out to Spur Cross. Everyone gets goody bags with special cookies and other treats. It is our favorite tradition for young and old.
Last year, we went for Mexican food, all the kids got a new red or green throw to keep warm, and we headed out to the pageant. We were all so disappointed to find no luminarias leading the way and no gathering. (And, we weren’t the only ones!). I felt badly that I had just taken the pageant for granted, and in all those years, I had never volunteered. This year I am hoping I can be of help. I want to thank Tobey Payne, his son Jared and all of the others who I can’t name individually for making this possible once again.
Merry Christmas to all!
Anne Sutton