Dear Senator,
I moved to Arizona a year ago and the biggest disappointment has been having you as my government representative. For the first time in too many years we have a Republican president and a Republican controlled congress. At last, we have an opportunity to turn this country around. But alas, the Republican establishment, including yourself, is going against this president, thwarting the very things we the people voted him in for. You ran for president and I supported you. You lost. Now, it is someone else’s turn to lead our nation. It’s not about you, Senator, any more. You represent us, not your own views, not your own platform, and yes, not your legacy. It is time to step aside, sir, if you can’t support your own president. America has a president now who is willing to step up to the many challenges we face. He is willing to buck the status quo, he is willing to take on the biased press. He should have the support of his fellow party members. This country needs to unite, not be divided by personal, petty squabbles. Enough already.
Carol Wood