Dearly Beloved–If the Dow on the Stock Market dropped 2000 points the press and news media would start screaming” Trump is ruining the country” because many of you out there would believe it. When Obama left office the Dow was a little over 18,000 and never made it to 19,000 but in ten months Trump has run that sucker to over 23,000, meaning it would have to drop 4000 points to be even with Obama. (So pay attention out there) Makes you wonder where it will be by year’s end. You may not own stock but America is doing a lot better, and JFK stated “a rising tide lifts all boats”. (and you are also in the boat)
Now the big dumb question you never hear asked, “Where would America be today if Queen Hillary had won”? Let me count the ways. (again) OK–Start with the stock market, jobs, our borders, national security, our military, big business, energy, plus law and order. She would have forgiven all those student loans and given amnesty to all those illegal’s to secure her re-election. Before her eight is up We The People could even see a race war, and that would be very sad. (how about flag football for the NFL)
What the hell is going on, letting girls join the Boy Scouts? The Boy Scouts are supposed to be an exclusive club for boys only, just like the club for Girl Scouts. OK–How about the Future Farmers of America (that would work). Ever since Hillary lost America has been upside down with exception of the stock market.
On the lighter side, I noticed a Halloween Tree (pay attention). It was a nice tall and thin six or seven foot lit tree with orange lights, topped off with a black witches hat. (very cute) OK–After Halloween, take off the hat, change the lights to red or blue and get ready for Christmas. And yes, this year it will be a great Christmas. (but don’t tell the Democrats)
PVT South