For All Signs: The planets Venus and Mars will be aligned on Oct. 5, 2017. Venus, the ancient goddess of love, carries broad feminine, receptive, and romantic symbolism. Mars is the warrior god and prevails over masculine territory. The symbolism suggests the conclusion of one relationship and the beginning of another. The conjunction may be symbolic of the beginning and ending of episodes or cycles within a single relationship. The current closing cycle began in November of 2015. This conjunction marks the beginning of a fresh cycle that will last for 23 months. Take advantage of this opportunity to repair rifts and achieve positive closures. Foster non-judgmental attitudes and avoid critiquing. New beginnings in all relationships, whether romantic, platonic, or business, are important now.
Aries: Your planetary avatar is Mars, the god of war. He is currently in the sector of work, co-workers, and health. The conjunction described in the lead paragraph represents new things developing in any of these sectors. It probably has already begun within the last couple of weeks. Interest in your health may have you revamping your diet and exercise plans.
Taurus: Venus and Mars are meeting in your fifth house of romance, children, and play. You may be beginning something new in one or more of these areas. Perhaps you need to depart a relationship now. At least you will be evaluating whether you are satisfied with these areas of your life. Don’t be afraid to ask for a break, if that will help help you gather clarity.
Gemini: You occasionally confuse what you think with who you are. There are those who will disagree with you this week. Just don’t let it become a battle to the death. Your identity is not at stake in this situation. You may not like what is happening, but you can choose a better time later to argue the point.
Cancer: You may be applauded for your ethical and moral behavior patterns. Others will let you know your efforts have been appreciated. Slow your regular routine to a pace that feels “right” for you. There may still be work to do, but it does not have to flow at breakneck speed. This is a time when you can get things accomplished without feeling frazzed.
Leo: During this equinox time, changes in your work environment will pressure you to overcome your pride. You must adapt, whether or not this is what you want. Other issues at hand involve siblings and/or family matters. Vehicles or other equipment that have been overused may break.
Virgo: Give special attention to the lead paragraph because Mars and Venus are in your sign again. The last time this happened in Virgo was in November of 2015. Activities of the present may echo back to new beginnings of 2015. There is special emphasis on reorganizing and planning to maintain your good health routines.
Libra the Scales (Sep 22 — Oct. 22): About two weeks ago, you began to realize that there is a crisis of decision in front of you. The subject matter is about property and family matters. It may also include concerns for your physical body. It is an old issue, returning for review. The most important factor is who you really are now and whether you are living an authentic life.
Scorpio: Please note the lead paragraph. The Venus/Mars alignment occurs in your 11th house of friends, organizations, and corporate bodies to which you may be related. Think carefully about what is truly important to you now, at this time in your life. Don’t allow old habits or rules from the past to make your decision for you.
Sagittarius: You are just at the tipping point between one era and the next in your life. The great effort of the last two years is showing signs of productive growth. You have probably found your niche for the time being and can be content to develop it further.
Capricorn: The pressure of pending change is making itself known in your work arena. The fulcrum is a situation that may no longer be tolerable. It is true that change is absolutely necessary. Perhaps a shift to a totally fresh solution would take the emotional sting from the situation.
Aquarius: Communications with significant others may be a challenge this week. You could “miss” each other entirely if you are not especially careful about your tone of voice. Perhaps it is better to save your piece for a better time. Let this one go and don’t make a big deal of it. You may feel exhausted from too much supporting of others. Get some rest.
Pisces: You may have arrived at a stuck place for the time being and unable to make forward motion. The issue may have to do with finances or other necessary resources that are limited. Hold onto your faith that things will work in your favor soon. The timing is off for a little while before those resources are restored.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at (704) 366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments . Website: http://www.horoscopesbyvivian.com