For All Signs: Next week, on Oct. 4 – 6, the planets Venus and Mars will be conjoined in our sky. They will be visible in the east early in the mornings and Venus is the brighter. Venus, the ancient goddess of love and art, carries broad feminine and romantic symbolism. Mars is the warrior god and prevails over masculine territory. The symbolism of this conjunction suggests the conclusion of one relationship and the beginning of another. Alternatively the conjunctions speak of the beginning and ending of episodes or cycles within a single relationship. This conjunction concludes a cycle that began in November, 2015. It marks the beginning of the new cycle which will last for 23 months. This particular conjunction occurs in the sign of Virgo, that represents our planet and all our earthy connections. There will be attention in the news to labor unions along with farming and agricultural issues. Virgo is also a sign that represents health, so it is possible that another bill related to health insurance will be presented.