For All Signs: The Autumnal Equinox occurs precisely at 4:02 p.m. EDT on Sept. 22. This is the theoretical point of equal day and night which teeters annually at the point of the northern hemisphere’s slide toward winter. Many tribes and cultures of eras gone by considered the equinox and solstice points as holy days in which to give tribute to their concept of universal power. Most of those cultures also gave greater honor in an ongoing way to the soul of Mother Earth than we do now. It would be supportive to the universal consciousness to take a few minutes on Wednesday afternoon to pay respects to the planet that bears our weight and our refuse. The trees everywhere are weakening and need loving attention. Send them a prayer for strength.
Aries: Take every precaution not to abuse your body during this period. Drugs or alcohol could have peculiar side effects that you don’t understand. You are in a low physical cycle and will be unable to push yourself as hard as normal on any physical task. If you are affected emotionally, try not to worry about it. Your body/feelings will right themselves after Sept. 25, 2017.
Taurus: There is a potential for becoming caught in ego games with a loved one. Any of the “games” will do, but this week’s aspect is particularly fond of playing “How much do you love me? Prove your feelings.” You could be asking the question or the Other might be asking you. Try to stay with communications that are more authentic.
Gemini: Past work on a significant project related to your home pays off now. It has demanded major attention to the details, but they are now integrating well. If your communication with anyone becomes a challenge, shift to another mode, such as email. Speak slowly for a different effect.
Cancer: Because you are moon-ruled, your moods are prone to ebb and flow with the tides. This is hard for children and adolescents, but adult Cancers eventually learn to ride the emotional flow up and down more easily. The new Moon of Sept. 20 occurs in your third house of communications, nearby travel, education and siblings. You may be starting something new in any of these areas.
Leo: Your life tempo is accelerating as it always does in September. You probably feel the need to pay closer attention to your neighborhood, roommates, siblings and the casual relationships in your life. If you have any communication habits that interfere, they may be brought to your attention now. Your vehicle may want attention over the next month.
Virgo: There is so much happening in your life that it is probably hard to keep track. One of the challenges is that people that you expected to help become unavailable. Don’t spend time mourning over that disappointment. Just carry on the best you can. Take things one at a time if possible to avoid confusion.
Libra the Scales (Sep 22 — Oct. 22): The sun returns “home” to your sign this week. You likely will find it to be energizing. Now is the time to focus on new plans for this next year of your life. Take a fresh look at where you want to direct your energy. It is appropriate that your attention be directed toward yourself right now. However, don’t forget that others have needs as well.
Scorpio: It is possible you will be feeling hurt and disappointed over a situation with a loved one. People just don’t always respond to us as we wish. Sometimes they are distracted by life situations of their own and are unable to appreciate what we offer. If a beloved seems oblivious, try not to take it personally.
Sagittarius: You may need to concentrate to avoid critics, whether they be internal or external. Instead of accepting blame or guilt, use the energy to make improvements wherever they are needed. Avoid contracts and business negotiations for a week or so because misunderstandings may develop.
Capricorn: You want to finish up an oral or written project at this time, but words just are not flowing with ease. If possible, give yourself a break over the weekend and see new sights. When you return, your mind will feel refreshed and more able to tackle that project.
Aquarius: You may be feeling cross and irritable this week. Don’t struggle over things you cannot change right away. It only makes you and others miserable. Break loose of routine and take yourself to someplace new and interesting. You may prefer to go alone, which is certainly OK. You are taking a breather, not running away.
Pisces: This is a week in which your physical cycle is “off”. Don’t press your body beyond what it wants to do, just because it could do the same thing last week. Pay special attention to your temporary boundaries right now and by next week things will return to your personal normal.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at (704) 366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments . Website: http://www.horoscopesbyvivian.com