All I can say is that I”m disappointed and disgusted by the councils recent action on Easy Street South CUP development and your incredible disregard as well as down right insulting attitude towards the residents of Carefree. You chose to take action on the proposal when few residents are in town. You totally disregarded our input from last year when we packed the room to voice our disagreement with increased building heights in the center of town. We spoke loudly and clearly on this subject. This wasn’t a subsection of town, the audience was made up of citizens from all sections of town. Now you plan to raise the limit another 30feet. You’ve got to be kidding. If any of you can”t visualize how high 60 feet is, just drive down Cave Creek Rd. shortly south of Rancho Paloma look on your left at the cell tower. That’s only a single pole, imagine what a large building will look like. Our beautiful downtown and lovely park will be dwarfed. Shame on you.
The height alone should have caused great concern, but the action also demonstrated incredible sloppiness by our town’s management, including our mayor . The document created is technically illegal. Saying this was the result of a “clerical” error doesn’t change it, it makes it worse. Imagine going before a judge and saying whoops I”n sorry. Incredibly, both the town manager and the mayor signed of on it. MT. Whitney Venture LLC is not the owner of the property, EdLewis is. Being stupid or lazy enough to present this to the Council and to actually vote for it is beyond belief. With an issue as important as this, did anyone ever ask our attorney to read it? Council members are supposed to be prepared before meeting. Obviously, they were not.
Not only did you vote for a document that closes negotiation, but you showed tremendous comtempt for your citizens. The Council and the Town Manager and the Mayor have a lot to explain. Begin with the inaccurate illegal non-revocable document and then explain why most of you asked no questions and didn’t seem to give a damn when others did. What’s the pay off and who got it? I’m obviously angry. In my opinion The Mayor, 6 council members and the Town Manager ought to apologize to the town and resign. Maybe it’s time for a recall election and even the firing of the Town Manager. We need a town government that asks and listens to her citizens,and has representatives who are not rubber stamps, one that carefully prepares all legally binding documents, especially important ones. A town government that is careful with our town’s plan and Carefree’s goals so that all their actions reflect this,and a government that fully accounts for it’s actions. Maybe we need new town management!
Thank you
Martena Miller