For All Signs: Mercury, ruler of business, communications, and everyday routines, will turn direct on Sep. 5, 2017. A retrograde period appears to last about 3.5 weeks. The truth of the matter is that the period lasts an additional 2.5 weeks on either side. Prior to the exact retrograde, Mercury gives the appearance of slowing its motion before physically becoming retrograde. The same thing happens after the direct motion begins. Mercury requires about 2.5 more weeks to return to its natural speed. The whole process is a little more than 8 weeks altogether. Mercury’s retrograde purpose is to pressure us to slow down, think and rethink everything, before proceeding with plans. It is ideal for those who meditate and who are working on self-study. It is not favorable for moving forward with new plans because we will inevitably find something in error as we proceed. For the next 2.5 weeks we will be cleaning up details that weren’t finished in August. Then we can more freely proceed forward.
Aries: After what seems an aeon, you have a happy development that is the result of your personal effort and creativity. There may also be a green light in relation to a lover, a child or a domestic animal. At the end of the week your attention turns to beginning a work project that involves many details.
Taurus: Necessary expenses (those not of the “fun” type) may develop this week. If not that, you could be just having a little blue mood. It is one of those times when we become aware that our loved ones can never know or understand fully what is inside of us. This is an existential dilemma that everyone encounters now and then. It will pass quickly.
Gemini: As Mercury, your planetary avatar, changes directions, you may be confronted with angry words you have previously spoken. Now is the time to own up and make amends if you have hurt someone’s feelings with careless speech. It is possible that anger was not originally intended. Now you must clear it up.
Cancer: Your inner warrior is urging you to take care of an underdog or rescue someone. While we are on the tipping point of the Mercury change, this may not be a great idea. Perhaps you should give this underdog a chance to see if s(he) can resolve the problem. Occasionally when you see a problem you take over before it is needed. Let it simmer for a couple of weeks.
Leo: This is an exceptionally loaded week for the Lions. Among other activities, you are called upon to be a warrior on behalf of those you perceive as underdogs. Activities involving social media or the internet are swift and require focused attention. This is a time in which you must look at financial realities. Someone may be deceiving you related to shared expenses.
Virgo the Virgin: (Aug 22–Sep 22) Mercury, your planetary ruler, is changing directions, virtually in front of your face. Something you previously decided is on the front burner again. Don’t allow yourself to be forced into a decision for two weeks. The issue can go either way and you don’t yet have all the facts.
Libra: For any number of reasons, circumstances may leave you out of the social loop this week. It’s possible that you do not feel well. Astrologically this is a time for self-reflection and not self-condemnation. Having a quiet week is appropriate at this time. Don’t turn this into a negative belief about yourself. Enjoy the time to be still and enjoy the quiet.
Scorpio: It will be important now to use firmness about your boundaries. This is likely to be particularly so related to your career and life direction interests. You are called to be of assistance to your partner and others you encounter. Though the temptation may be in front of you, don’t cross ethical boundaries.
Sagittarius: This is a strongly positive week in which your faith in yourself and all humankind is supported and nurtured by the people and circumstances in your path. Hopefully you are aware of a type of joy that is beyond mundane experiences of life. One caution: keep one foot on the ground. The earth has its rules also. It is easy to believe what you wish now.
Capricorn: You may feel as though circumstances are forcing you to abandon your principles to save your pride. Think again about that one. Avoiding a short moment of embarrassment is not worth throwing away your integrity. You would have cause to regret it later.
Aquarius: It may be that you are the object of advances or an attraction from someone that you prefer to avoid. It serves as a great lesson of tact and diplomacy. Make an effort to be honest about where you are in the situation, rather than talking about “you.” Maybe this is a time when you would simply rather be alone.
Pisces: There are vampires loose in the world and the Fish tends to attract them. If you have matured a bit, you probably have begun to smell them when they enter your vicinity. Those who have not will be learning a lesson soon. It’s a required course for this sign. Save some energy for yourself. Don’t take over someone else’s problem.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at (704) 366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments (there is a charge). Blog: http//www.horoscopesbyvivian.com