R.I.P. Frank Kush

“Frank Kush will go down in history, and rightfully so, as one of the most beloved and colorful sports figures in Arizona,

“His legacy and leadership at Arizona State University set the gold standard for all future coaches. The student-players and fans he inspired, for decades, will continue to honor him for his work,

“Kush brought ASU’s football program into the modern era. He held the reigns through tough periods of racial and social strife. He became a family friend after supporting and encouraging others to support black students and civil rights causes related to ASU and larger civic issues. Kush was as comfortable on the sidelines as he was at a fundraiser for civil rights groups along-side my grandmother civil rights icon Opal Ellis and her contemporaries like Lincoln Ragsdale and George Brooks. Kush gave everyone an opportunity. It did not matter what you looked or talked like. It only mattered if you had skills and abilities. Frank Kush developed talent. He was an incredible coach,

“The Kush family is in my prayers and the prayers of many. Frank Kush left an impression on everyone. He was something else. Larger than life. He was just… KUSH.”

Rev. Jarrett Maupin

Civil Rights Activist
