TUCSON – Tucson Sector Border Patrol conducted their annual Border Safety Initiative event on Thursday in Nogales, Arizona.
The BSI is held annually to promote messaging about the dangers migrants often face when illegally crossing the U.S./Mexico border. The Border Patrol works with consulates from various countries, media partners and stakeholders to educate would-be immigrants about the risks associated with crossing the desert.
This year’s event was held at the Nogales Border Patrol Station and consisted of a 3-mile walk through Mariposa washes to allow participants to experience first-hand what migrants encounter along the border.
The Tucson Sector Border Patrol also provided a demonstration on how rescue beacons are used, along with other resources, to help anyone in distress along Arizona’s borders. Resources include trained first responders, emergency medical technicians, and paramedics…all vital for rescue operations in remote locations.
A key message the Tucson Sector Border Patrol wants to deliver to individuals thinking about crossing the border illegally is to know the dangers and avoid the risks.
“All of us, together, will continue to inform and educate potential migrants and their families on how dangerous it is to attempt crossing the border in Arizona’s remote Sonoran desert region,” said Acting Chief Patrol Agent Felix Chavez. “Far too often, our agents discover the remains of individuals who either did not know of the dangers or did not heed the warnings.”
For those determined to gamble with their lives, Tucson Sector encourages anyone in distress to call 9-1-1 or use a rescue beacon as soon as possible. Don’t wait until it’s too late.
U.S. Customs & Border Protection welcomes assistance from the community. Citizens can report suspicious activity to the Border Patrol by calling 1-877-872-7435 toll free. All calls will be answered and remain anonymous.