April 12 – April 18, 2017


Stargazer-VivianCarolFor All Signs: The Passover and Easter have variations in their historical details, but they share similarities in spiritual meaning. Each celebrates a homecoming to the Spirit. The Passover remembers the rebirth of the Jewish community after 400 years of slavery. Easter recalls the ever present opportunity for an individual to be reborn, or reconnected to an awareness of the Spirit, even after periods of apparent isolation. The theme of “rebirth” has been celebrated in every civilization and known by many names through millenniums of religions. The Passover began an eight day celebration yesterday, April 11. Easter is to be celebrated on Sunday, April 16, this year. The date chosen for Easter Sunday each year has its moorings in cosmic motion. We have Easter on the first Sunday following the first full Moon which occurs after the spring equinox (roughly Mar. 21).

Aries the Ram: (Mar 20—Apr 19th) A project begun in January is showing signs of growth and development. Although it needs more work, at this point it appears to be manifesting. You may be in the midst of persuading others to your point of view. (3rd house) They are listening, so carry it further. Your mind is both steady and imaginative now.

Taurus: A lightbulb may turn on for you this week. It is possible that the way to solve a creative dilemma drops into your head. It may have to do with color and design. At minimum, the path becomes easier to access. Romantic and creative life are turning in the right direction.

Gemini: Listen carefully this week for intuitive guidance. Your unconscious is “in touch” with your lifepath and it will guide you. Clear out the mind/ego chatter as well as you can, and accept that which does not flatter the ego. There you will find real wisdom that makes sense.

Cancer: You are in a reasonably good place with yourself at this time. Your heart and mind are flowing together. You have no conflict between your feelings and your thoughts about those feelings. This is a time for reflection on important subjects. You can make good decisions now.

Leo: You have the opportunity to speak out on behalf of the group at this time. You come across as one who has a vision of the future and others will listen to you because your commentary is persuasive. Your mind is both steady and imaginative now.

Virgo: Day to day life is favorable at present. There are no big conflicts between you and anyone of importance. Social life is favored with partner, friends, and neighbors. Short trips to interesting nearby places could prove refreshing and educational.

Libra: You have been hesitating to commit yourself for several weeks. This might be over a relationship or an important purchase. Venus, your ruling planet, turns direct this week and gives you a nudge forward. It will soon be time to commit or bring this long-standing issue to a close.

Scorpio: This is a fine time for you and a partner to discuss any issues between you. It is a good period for coming to agreement on circumstances that have been issues in the past. You may be especially enjoying music or the arts together. Intimacy brings you closer together now.

Sagittarius: At this time a project begun in November is showing signs of growth and development. Now it points toward manifestation, although it needs more work. This is part of the greater need to reinvent yourself which began in 2015.

Capricorn: Activities related to home, hearth, and family are supportive to your sense of stability now. Anything that suggests remodeling or updating is refreshing to you. It could be property or your personal office. It might involve “updating” your knowledge of the technology necessary to accomplish a goal.

Aquarius: Listen closely to your inner self. If you have tolerated a rule well beyond its time, you may rebel and demand to do something different now. Plan a few hours of refreshing change. Try something new.

Pisces: The goddess of love, Venus, is turning direct in your zodiac sign this week. This suggests that you now feel able to move forward in matters of love and romance. She also represents expenditures which are luxurious. Venus also favors the arts. You may feel free to treat yourself after a long, dry period.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at (704) 366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. (There is a fee.) http://www.horoscopesbyvivian.com