Limit terms to 6-8 years

LOVE the newspaper; it seems to be on the right (correct) side of everything.

Tip of the hat to Frosty for his ‘Term limits’ piece. Directionally correct, but it

stops short. I used to believe that term limits were a way to tell ourselves that

we are too stupid to make good decisions. Now I realize that they need to be

mandatory, and they should be ONE term.

A main reason for the long incumbent terms in his examples is that, as soon

as a pol is elected, s/he begins to campaign for re-election. If we limited each

to a term of 6-8 years, each would be more inclined to do what’s right for the

country, for constituents, rather than for re-election.

Could this ever happen? Only if the sitting pols propose it for future those to

be elected in the future.

Lee Christensen
