According to Pvt. South

Dearly Beloved, the tabloids’ never- ending display of Bill and Hillary’s unflattering news since the election will continue but how much of it is actually true? Can’t wait until the new Attorney General starts looking into the Clinton Foundation and how many folks start making deals to keep from going to jail. If it becomes obvious in the future that Queen Hillary and Slick Willy are absolutely Guilty Guilty Guilty, will they try to get out of Dodge? (You bet they will.) Right now we must wait and see.

Why the big push about driverless cars that are supposed to be so smart? OK, most drivers are supposed to be dumb and shouldn’t be behind the wheel. Now they are putting sensors in our highways to help guide these modern marvels in the future. One of the running jokes when I was in basic training was, “all of this great equipment you are using was designed by geniuses to be operated by idiots.” The only way this dumb idea would work is separate highways and that won’t happen. When Government gets involved to make things better, shall I count the ways? We can start with Prohibition, Public Education, Forced Bussing, Women in the Military, Gays in the Military, Transgender Bathrooms and of course Obamacare. Obama recently stated on TV that all military positions are now open to women because they can do the job the same as men. (Wow!) Men and women have always been different and political correctness cannot change that. WWII is proof positive with over 16 million men getting the job done and winning the war.

For comic relief–Prince Charles’ second wife Camilla has a serious flatulence problem that is no longer a secret. (Prince Phillip finds Camilla’s problem funny and familiar.) In the tabloid news she is featured as (the Queen of Farts). Camilla is suffering from chronic gas – OK, Hillary and Camilla actually have a lot in common. They are the same age and Hillary considers herself as royalty. Their husbands are constantly running around and always getting caught. When Hillary gets mad she really goes off and you don’t want to be around her. The same can be said about Camilla.

Pvt. South
