According to Pvt South

Dearly Beloved, every December 7 is a very sad day for America and now after 75 years many Americans, especially young ones, are not even aware of what went on that day. You can give thanks to our liberal public education system for teaching history through a politically correct lens. The Founding Fathers would not recognize what the hell has been going on, especially these last eight years.

Winning WWII took four very hard years and basically 16 million white men to get the job done. Our U.S. population has more than doubled but could We The People win WWII again with today’s young people? (Pvt South says a Big Fat No.) Time for another Obama news flash–Our U.S. Naval Academy is now having the cadets taking a class on transgenders. (Is this a great Country or what)?

Now you are going to find out what really ticks me off. Every year the press puts out what a shock and surprise the Pearl Harbor attack was, but if the truth be known it was not. Sixteen years before the attack (in 1925) a Colonial Billy Mitchell was Court Marshaled for putting out the word that Japan was going to attack the United States in the future. The press and Congress were up in arms so the Colonial had to go. Hollywood was a major player when they made the movie about Billy Mitchell and actor Gary Cooper was the lead role. The court testimony was very revealing. Question: Who was going to attack the United States? Answer: The Empire of Japan. Question: Where? Answer: Probably our U.S. Naval Fleet in the Hawaiian Islands. Question: When? Answer: SOME SUNDAY MORNING. OK, after the attack why didn’t the press bring up the Court Marshall of Mitchell about Japan? (Easy. FDR was a Democrat.) If he had been a Republican he may have been impeached. Queen Hillary, Slick Willy and Obama have been getting a free pass forever. (And the beat goes on).

Pvt South