According to PVT South

Dearly Beloved, will it ever end? That’s how a lot of folks feel about the upcoming Presidential election. Let’s say Queen Hillary wins. The press and news media will freak out promoting the first female President (no. 45) and all the wonderful things she will do in the future. (And don’t forget the First Dude.) OK, Trump wins, (the pollsters lied) now we have pure chaos and how many inner cities will go up in smoke? Will China take Taiwan before Trump takes over? (They will never get a better chance.) Expect no retaliation from Obama for China taking that little island off its coast.

The Democrats considered Bush 43 an illegitimate President that legally beat Big AL Gore with help from the Supreme Court. Did the Democrats roll over after that defeat? (NO.) All they did for the next 8 years was to try to impeach Bush and Cheney. (No hard feelings of course.)

Dearly Beloved, how about some comic relief after all the political hoopla day after day? This is for all the down home mothers that will truly understand. My late and great wife busted out laughing years ago when she noticed a cartoon that touched her funny bone. You see a mother in bed under a cover looking terrible with a fever while in the door way her husband and their two children are looking at her. One of her children said “Don’t worry Mom, Dad will carry you to the stove.”

PVT South
