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Monthly Archives: September 2016


VA continues to fail veterans

The suicide of a 76 year old Navy veteran in the parking lot of a VA hospital after being denied emergency care is just...
Dr. Randy Ulmer, center, was inducted into the Archery Hall of Fame in Springfield, Missouri

Local archer inducted into Archery Hall of Fame

Long time Cave Creek resident Dr. Randy Ulmer was inducted into the Archery Hall of Fame on September 3rd. The ceremony took place at...
food bank resource coordinators

Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center gives people the resources to survive and thrive

Food and water are necessities for survival. However, so are the resources people take for granted every day that provide for shelter, paid bills...

FCF-HCC hosts Prop 205 candid conversation on October 12

SCOTTSDALE – FCF-HCC is presenting a candid conversation on Proposition 205, the Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act, Arizona’s Medical Marijuana Initiative. This event...
mullet over

A king penguin named Nils Olav

Since 2002 an insect dubbed the Emerald Ash Borer has been responsible for killing hundreds of millions of North America’s ash trees. Entomologist Michael...
Frosty Wooldridge

The Qur’an: A handbook for creating Islamic terrorists

Whether you look at the recent throat slitting of an 86 year old priest at his church in Normandy or the slaughtering of 84...
lawrence sellin

Why Donald Trump appeals to ordinary Americans

  There is a winning coalition in America: one which Donald Trump represents, one inclusive of all Americans, and one for all those who believe...
Ryan Baranyos

What is there to do in Carefree?

CAREFREE – Call to the Public during the Sept. 6 council meeting brought three people to the podium, beginning with Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office...
americans for limited government

Congress must act to get Obama to extend IANA functions contract 2 years

FAIRFAX, Va. – Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning issued the following statement urging Congress to not only defund the Internet giveaway again...
Arizona department of education

Arizona Department of Education Releases ESSA Draft State Plan for Public Comment

PHOENIX – Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas today announced that the first draft of Arizona’s State Plan for the Every Student Succeeds...