It is the year of the monkey on the Chinese calendar with all its predictions of good and ill. In the United States we have our own monkey on our backs and it is called Clinton. Every forecast is grim and foreboding if we fail to shed this monkey and all it promises. She has monkeyed with finance, Whitewater, with the truth in her testimony on emails, with quid pro quo at the foundation and with American lives in Benghazi. Now she desires to monkey with the freedoms and security of America for power and gain.
There must be something inherent in the Clinton name. In the 1780s New York Governor George Clinton was widely thought to be a corrupt power-broker and was strongly opposed to the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, as it diminished his power base. Our twenty first century corrupt power-broker is opposed to the Constitution as written – the rule of law. It is time we got this monkey off the backs of the American people. In the year of the monkey, it just may be our last chance.
Randy Edwards
Cave Creek